After the Crash

How to Keep Your Job, Stay in School, and Live Life After a Brain Injury

Non-Fiction - Memoir
220 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In her memoir After the Crash, Kelly Tuttle recounts her experiences with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) following a car accident, laying out the initial unawareness of its severity and the subsequent challenges she faced, including memory loss, emotional instability, and cognitive fatigue. She speaks on the unpredictability of recovery, talking about the development of coping strategies and the importance of seeking specialized care for associated vision and hearing issues. Tuttle discusses communication difficulties, post-traumatic headaches, and emotional regulation, leaning into the need for patience and self-advocacy. Throughout her memoir, she shares practical strategies for managing symptoms, enhancing productivity, and returning to work or school, ultimately stressing the significance of a supportive network and the acceptance of a new reality in the recovery process.

Kelly Tuttle’s After the Crash is a first-hand look at resilience and recovery following a traumatic brain injury, something I wish my mother had access to after I was in a car accident, suffering from TBI as a toddler. I am aware of the physical impact I still carry today, but it is how much further Tuttle went into behavior and emotion that almost had me in tears. Tuttle’s writing is candid and she does not hold back with what she went through, especially with self-awareness and relationships. She adeptly shares practical coping strategies, such as journaling and mindfulness, which not only illuminate her healing journey but also offer invaluable guidance for the rest of us. Tuttle’s ability to articulate complicated issues easily is great and, overall, her book is a must-read for anyone seeking understanding and hope in the aftermath of trauma. Very highly recommended.