Alas, Poor Uranus

Sci-fi & Fantasy for the Stage

Fiction - Drama
127 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Alas, Poor Uranus is a collection of plays by Brent Winzek and Zachary Gold. In Executive Decisions 1, George is offended when Jax uses the term 'bitch' during their meeting to discuss the investors’ concerns about the play. Ironically, Jax was referring to a female dog. George also has to sacrifice his artistic vision to accommodate the will of the investors. In Travelers on The Fire Escape, Taylor encounters the Astronaut and the Coachmaker as he enjoys his cup of coffee. He does not want to let them in at first, but, eventually, he does. The Astronaut and the Coachmaker are from a different time. What do they want with Taylor, and will he go with them? In Cryptid Counseling, Craig and Emma are trying to save their relationship, but there is a lot of arguing and blame games going on. They also have to deal with the fact that they are lost at the creek. Will the mysterious Sasquatch show them the way?

Alas, Poor Uranus by Brent Winzek and Zachary Gold is wonderfully written. I loved the diverse themes explored, which I believe reflect various aspects of the society we live in. This thought-provoking work got me thinking about issues like time travel, the environment, and the impact of pollution on human health. It also got me thinking about how acting affects the lives of actors and how those with money influence the artists, which can stifle creativity and frustrate them. Brent and Zachary also used sarcasm effectively, and their subtle way of passing on the intended message ensured this work did not alienate anyone. The language used was also easy to understand, which makes the work accessible to all kinds of readers. This was an amazing read, and I look forward to reading something else by Brent and Zachary.