Alice Pemberton's Bureau Of Scientific Inquiry

McGilliverse Book 2

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
358 Pages
Reviewed on 10/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Alice Pemberton's Bureau of Scientific Inquiry by George Allen Miller is a young adult sci-fi adventure following the genius 19-year-old Alice Pemberton. Alice, known for creating wormholes, takes on the task of solving the mystery of the Krill: a powerful alien race controlling a spectral network that contains souls of the dead. When her friend Eugene McGillicuddy becomes a theoretical death particle experiment, Alice is thrust into a galaxy-wide conspiracy, facing hostile aliens and secret agents. With science as her guide, Alice must outwit the Krill and revive Eugene in this fast-paced, thrilling adventure.

Author George Allen Miller invites his readers into a galaxy full of rich, inventive twists on classic sci-fi elements, and the vivid language and metaphors offer a world that feels expansive and intriguing, but also homes in on the emotional tone of the scenes. The pacing is a huge standout feature, with constant twists and turns so that the action never stalls, keeping the tension high while maintaining an air of mystery throughout Alice’s thrilling journey. Alice is well-developed with a detailed narration of her thoughts and actions, presenting her as a refreshingly smart, bold, and quirky protagonist without ever relying on stereotypes. Miller crafts her character with genuine depth and plenty of humor in her dialogue exchanges with other characters, making her both relatable and awe-inspiring as she navigates complex scientific challenges with ease and wit. Miller’s ability to inject humor into a story that also has a high-concept sci-fi plot is impressive and the story is well balanced between moments of high drama, deep emotion, and witty comedic relief. Overall, Alice Pemberton's Bureau of Scientific Inquiry is a must-read for fans of spirited science fiction packed with chuckles and action aplenty.

Carol Thompson

Alice Pemberton's Bureau of Scientific Inquiry is a wild, fast-paced journey that blends science fiction, mystery, and a touch of humor. George Allen Miller’s second installment in the McGilliverse series continues with the adventures of the brilliant Alice Pemberton, a 19-year-old scientific prodigy whose curiosity knows no bounds. Alice is an engaging protagonist whose genius comes with an irreverent attitude, and her love for experimentation leads her into some genuinely mind-bending scenarios. The plot is full of twists, starting with Alice’s attempt to reanimate Eugene McGillicuddy, her unfortunate volunteer for an experiment involving the mysterious “death particle.” But just when things start to heat up, the Secret Service swoops in with their plans for Eugene, adding a layer of intrigue and urgency.

The story only grows more complex as Alice uncovers a galaxy-wide conspiracy involving the Krill, a race with control over a spectral network that holds the souls of the dead. George Allen Miller weaves a narrative that balances scientific wonder with a noir-like mystery, giving readers plenty of action, adventure, and unexpected humor. The dynamic between Alice and the other characters, particularly the semi-dead Eugene, is both quirky and compelling. Fans of young adult sci-fi will appreciate the originality and wit that shines through in this book. Alice Pemberton’s Bureau of Scientific Inquiry is an exciting, inventive read that offers an enjoyable mix of sci-fi concepts, mystery, and a dash of absurdity. Miller created a world that will entertain young adult readers to the very last page. I highly recommend it.

David Jaggart

Alice Pemberton's Bureau Of Scientific Inquiry is a riveting sci-fi mystery by George Allen Miller. Alice works for a psychic detective named Eugene Jack McGillicuddy. She had to quasi-kill Eugene so his soul could retrieve a death particle, proving that the Krill, an ominous alien race, has been concealing a secret after-world for many years. While watching over Eugene's body, Alice gets an unexpected visit from a White House staffer named Valencia, then two Secret Service agents. They need Eugene's investigative help. But since he is still in quasi-death mode, Alice volunteers her services instead. Unexpectedly, the President of the United States and some visiting alien dignitaries have vanished from the Oval Office without a trace. No one knows how. Alice's run-ins with the Krill reveal they may be involved somehow. But can she get to the bottom of the case and bring Eugene back to life?

Alice Pemberton's Bureau Of Scientific Inquiry grabbed my attention from start to finish. George Allen Miller has written a captivating and entertaining sci-fi novel filled with humor, action, and suspense. The storyline is packed with quirky characters, witty dialogue, and various alien races. Each alien race is unique and will undoubtedly earn readers' fascination. I love how the storyline switches back and forth between Alice's investigation and Eugene's supernatural mission. I especially liked how Alice and Eddie, the artificial sentient computer, navigated each obstacle while attempting to uncover new, much-needed information. Alice's sarcastic persona caught my attention right away. Even though she's highly intuitive, her lack of interpersonal skills is comically her only Achilles heel. But, by the end of the book, Alice has her moments of character growth, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I highly recommend this intriguing sci-fi mystery to fans of the genre. If you loved Men in Black and Doctor Strange, this book is for you.

Asher Syed

Alice Pemberton's Bureau of Scientific Inquiry by George Allen Miller follows Alice, a scientist who accidentally separates the soul of Eugene, a psychic detective, from his body during an experiment aimed at investigating the activities of the Krill, a powerful extraterrestrial faction. As Alice races against time to save Eugene, she has the bonuses of confrontations with the Krill and investigating the mysterious disappearance of President Allen. Along the way, Alice uncovers a deeper conspiracy involving alien dignitaries, including a local singer who inadvertently becomes involved after planting a device linked to the President’s vanishing. As Alice sorts and strategizes whether or not she can deal with the Krill, restore Eugene to his body, piece together clues about the President’s disappearance, and negate the threats to Earth, this might turn out to be too much—even for a genius.

I had the pleasure of reading Eugene J. McGillicuddy's Alien Detective Agency, also by George Allen Miller, and can say, hand over heart, that Alice Pemberton's Bureau of Scientific Inquiry wins again big time. Miller's imagery and pitch-perfect dialogue pull readers right into Alice's quest, and even those who missed the first book and are new to the series will have no trouble falling right in line. The character development of Alice in both novels is spectacular, and she continues to grow as a brilliant young woman with a ton to offer the galaxy. Miller's pacing is expertly managed, with suspenseful twists, huge amounts of humor, and, yes, there are more unicorns. As far as the science fiction elements go, the incorporation of unique alien species and technological concepts are all there, making for a fun romp with some good brain candy in a story set in a universe where anything is possible. Very highly recommended.

Jamie Michele

Alice Pemberton's Bureau Of Scientific Inquiry by George Allen Miller is book two in the supernatural science fiction McGilliverse series, preceded by book one, Eugene J. McGillicuddy's Alien Detective Agency. In book one, Eugene J. McGillicuddy, who possesses secret omniscience, is blackmailed by Ambassador Kah, a dinosaur diplomat. To stop a dangerous conspiracy, he travels through the Milky Way, exploring various realities. With his companions, Eddie, a sentient program, and Alice, a wormhole expert, Eugene must avert a potential cosmic disaster. Now, in this second novel, Alice Pemberton aims to uncover the Krill’s secrets, who control a spectral network of souls. She recruits Eugene McGillicuddy to find a theoretical death particle, but before she can revive him, the Secret Service intervenes. With Eugene incapacitated, Alice must navigate a conspiracy and protect their interests from the Krill.

In Alice Pemberton's Bureau Of Scientific Inquiry, George Allen Miller builds on a fun and funny foundation of sci-fi adventure, infused with sharp wit and pictorial world-building. Alice is a tenacious protagonist and her groundbreaking research makes her the type of female lead rare in the genre, alongside the punchy Pepper sidekick. Miller’s writing is fluid and engaging, painting the chaos of the urban landscape with bold detail that brings the story to life. The pacing is brisk and never feels bogged down by tech, all while the characters balance crisis after crisis after crisis. It is good that Eugene took a backseat so we could see Alice shine Throughout the whole narrative Miller not only delivers a gripping story but also constructs a unique blend of humor and suspense, making it a must-read for fans of speculative fiction.