An Ibis Called Elvis

Children - Animals
36 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Elvis was lucky. Usually, when an egg is taken from its nest, it does not hatch. In An Ibis Called Elvis, the reader is invited into the private life of a carer who finds the stolen egg and protects it until the ibis hatches and grows up. Fiona O’Sullivan shares the joy of nursing wildlife back to health. Elvis was cared for until it was time to return to the wild. He was set free in a wetland so that he could spend the rest of his life with other ibises. Reading this book will bring joy as your child finds out how Elvis received his name and exactly what type of ibis Elvis is. They will also enjoy the rhyming of the text.

An Ibis Called Elvis by Fiona O’Sullivan is a fantastic introduction to conservation for young readers. This picture book will teach children to be more observant concerning their environment and what they can do to help keep it clean and safe for animals. The rhyming style of writing makes reading fun. Parents will want to encourage their children to become more nature-conscious and learn all they can about animals and the environment. Another activity children will enjoy is learning about the great entertainer Elvis Presley and other early rock-and-roll legends. Parents might also want to locate the closest wildlife rescue center and take their children to visit or even volunteer to help. I highly recommend this book to all children and urge parents to use it as a platform to teach their children how important it is not to litter.