Atlantis and The Seven Andarean Orbs

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
354 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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Author Biography

Mario A Messina-Azekri is a rising star in the realm of forgotten civilizations, making his debut as an author in this genre. His diverse background spans from being a poet and writer to a former criminal investigator. Mario’s creativity knows no bounds, as he has also designed personalized comic books for children and meticulously crafted wooden castles and pirate ships.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Atlantis and The Seven Andarean Orbs is a work of fiction in the science fiction, fantasy, and epic adventure genres, penned by author Mario Messina-Azekri for young adult readers. In this gripping tale, the celestial astro-alchemist Ariom must save Atlantis, a mystical continent created by the Lemurians, from destruction. Assuming human form for the first time, Ariom confronts human vulnerabilities while racing against Mara, a malevolent Archangel intent on proving Earth's impermanence. The key to salvation lies in the Andarean Orbs, powerful artifacts hidden in Atlantis by Ariom. As Mara nears completing a doomsday device with stolen orbs, Ariom must overcome his frailties to protect both Earth and the cosmic order.

Author Mario Messina-Azekri uses detailed descriptions to craft a mesmerizing journey into a richly-described and atmospheric world where cosmic stakes intersect with human frailty. The vivid descriptions of Atlantis and its crystalline wonders captivated my imagination right away, painting a lush and intricate tapestry of an ancient civilization that has been covered a lot in fiction, but certainly had a totally fresh and original perspective in this author’s vision. Ariom's struggles take a close look at the emotional and psychological toll on him, allowing us to connect closely with the central hero and root for him tooth and nail. The looming threat of Mara's malevolence created a sense of urgency and tension that kept me hooked throughout, and I really enjoyed the lore around the Andarean Orbs as tools of immense power. These core concepts were so convincingly delivered that you find yourself in a world where everything feels deadly with high stakes. But there are also wider philosophical dimensions to the narrative in the quieter moments where political machinations loom overhead. Messina-Azekri's storytelling seamlessly blended action, mysticism, and emotional depth, making me eager to see how Ariom would navigate his dual existence and save both terrestrial and celestial realms. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend Atlantis and The Seven Andarean Orbs to fans of science fiction and fantasy adventure everywhere.