Barclay and the Chocolate Chips

Children - Preschool
26 Pages
Reviewed on 09/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Barclay and the Chocolate Chips by Laura Schreiber is a cute preschool picture book. Barclay is a special dog who loves his happy life. He loves to play and go for walks and he loves to eat. But sometimes, a lesson must be learned – that not everything is safe to eat. When he demolishes a bag of chocolate chips, he feels very sick. Luckily, his sister discovers what has happened, and he can go to the vet to help him. Thanks to her quick thinking and everyone’s actions, Barclay soon felt a lot better. Did he learn his lesson not to eat everything in sight?

Barclay and The Chocolate Chips by Laura Schreiber is a lovely book for children that is also educational. It is well illustrated by Shay Page to help young kids follow the story and understand the dangers of allowing dogs to eat what they want, especially chocolate. It is also about not being afraid to speak up, especially when someone is in trouble, and your words can save them. It teaches kids that there is a special bond between them and their pets and that there are lots of ways they can take care of pets and keep them safe. This book is written with simple language, well-suited for its target audience, and easy for kids to follow and understand. A fun book that young children will want to be read to them over and again and is perfect for reading at home and during preschool reading time.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Puppies are so cute and they’re a lot of fun, too. But they have to be watched closely as they get into everything and eat whatever they find. In Laura Schrieber’s Barclay and the Chocolate Chips, the family puppy finds his way into all manner of containers, including his brother’s school lunch bag. Barclay eats what he finds. Most of the time, there’s no concern, only the loss of certain food items. But one day, Barclay manages to get into the kitchen pantry, and he finds a bag of chocolate chips. Why should this be a concern? He certainly gave the family quite a scare.

Laura Schrieber’s picture book, Barclay and the Chocolate Chips, is a simple story about the joys and, yes, sometimes dangers of raising a puppy. The language is simple so young readers can easily follow along and improve their reading skills. The bright, bold, and colorful illustrations by Shay Page add a little zest to the story. The plot develops slowly, following Barclay’s interest in getting into mischief and eating whatever he finds. There will be a few chuckles over Barclay’s antics, but young readers will learn about the dangers of certain foods as they worry about Barclay’s fate. The story is a clever way to teach children the importance of monitoring what puppies consume, while at the same time encouraging youngsters to speak up when they’re worried, like Barclay’s sister did when she discovered the empty chocolate chip bag. Beautifully told and illustrated.

Doreen Chombu

Barclay and the Chocolate Chips is a heartwarming children’s picture book written by Laura Schreiber with illustrations by Shay Page. The story follows Barclay, a mischievous dog who loves having fun and has a loving family, including a human brother and sister, who he loves playing with. Unfortunately, Barclay always gets in trouble by eating snacks that do not belong to him. One day, he sneaks into the family pantry and helps himself to a packet of chocolate chips, causing his tummy to ache. His sister informs their parents about Barclay’s situation, leading to a veterinary visit. His family worries about him, stays by his side during his recovery, and learns the importance of safety.

Barclay and the Chocolate Chips is a cute story with a relatable premise. We all know a pet that is always getting in trouble. This book perfectly captures the playful yet cautionary essence of pet ownership. Laura Schreiber’s engaging storytelling makes it an enjoyable read for children and parents alike. She teaches young readers valuable lessons about responsibility and the importance of keeping potentially harmful foods out of reach. The story not only entertains but also encourages children to speak up and care for their furry friends. The beautiful illustrations perfectly complement the story. The real picture of Barclay at the end shows the resemblance in the art and adds a personal touch that makes the story even more endearing. Overall, Barclay and the Chocolate Chips is a charming tale that not only delights but also conveys important lessons about empathy, safety, and the joys of pet ownership.