Bedridden and Gutted to Mindful

A Writer’s Approach to Depression

Non-Fiction - Memoir
255 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Cherubimaris Casino for Readers' Favorite

Bedridden and Gutted to Mindful by Angela Grey is rooted in her Native American heritage. From the heart-wrenching tale of childhood foster care to the inherited strength from her grandmother and aunt, the author's journey is both unique and universally relatable. Her story is written like a memoir, with personal experiences that resonate deeply with readers. What sets this book apart is its holistic approach to well-being, incorporating mindfulness, biophilia, and a twelve-step program alongside traditional therapies. This comprehensive strategy offers a path to relief not only for those dealing with addiction but for anyone seeking improved mental health and inner peace. The story shows how one person can grow from human resilience. People will walk in the transformative journey from trauma to healing. Along the way, readers will find a profound exploration of survival, growth, and the indomitable human spirit.

The memoir's greatest strength lies in the author's insights and practical approach to healing. Angela Grey provides invaluable tools for readers, including positive self-talk techniques, goal-setting strategies, and methods for cultivating serenity and gratitude. Her insights on breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma are particularly impactful, offering hope and empowerment to those grappling with inherited pain. Grey's writing style is accessible and engaging, making complex psychological concepts easy to understand and apply. The inclusion of checklists and thought-provoking questions for each topic allows readers to actively participate in their own healing process. Bedridden and Gutted to Mindful is an essential read for those on a journey of self-discovery and healing, offering both inspiration and practical guidance for transforming pain into personal growth. As a mental health professional, I highly recommend this book to clients and to those who wish to heal their inner brokenness.

Frank Mutuma

Bedridden and Gutted to Mindful by Angela Grey is a detailed account of her life. Most of her stepfathers are alcoholic and abusive, and Angela even gets molested at a very young age. Her mother is also an alcoholic, doesn’t care about her children, and is mostly concerned about making her boyfriends happy. Despite being young, Angela has to take care of her siblings in the absence of a responsible guardian. Another thing that takes a huge toll on her is getting pregnant as a teenager and the subsequent birth of baby Ashley, who has numerous medical problems. Later on, after her baby is placed in foster care, Angela attends college and gets involved with an abusive guy, and together they have four children. How will things turn out for Angela?

Bedridden and Gutted to Mindful by Angela Grey took me on a rollercoaster of emotions as I read about the reservations and how they might have impacted the lives of many generations. Angela shows how trauma can be passed from generation to generation. I loved how she went into detail about her life, and I believe such courageous literature is a step in the right direction in bringing to light some issues and biases in society. The book is also thought-provoking and got me thinking about how children born from mixed marriages suffer by not being able to fit into either of the races. The narration was excellent, and readers will also appreciate Angela’s efforts to address mental health issues. This was a great read, and I look forward to reading something else by Angela.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Mental health is not something we should take lightly. It’s a serious illness affecting a large percentage of the population, perhaps more so than other diseases like cancer. And, yet, we treat it like it’s something shameful, not to be discussed or shared with others. Why should we be ashamed? In Angela Grey’s Bedridden and Gutted to Mindful, one person’s story, one person’s journey through depression and other mental symptoms, leads the reader through a troubling childhood, adulthood, and abusive situations that literally gutted the mind. It was a difficult journey, but this strong person managed to find a sense of well-being, a sense of mindfulness that stabilized her ability to cope with life in general and her life, both past and present.

Angela Grey’s book, Bedridden and Gutted to Mindful: A Writer’s Approach to Depression, is part memoir, part self-help, and part self-discovery. It’s more than a clinical book, presented in a manner to help people in similar situations navigate the quagmire of a mental fog. The author presents her story in the age-old art of storytelling, in the hopes of helping others navigate this difficult journey. The narrative is engrossing, if not also, at times, disturbing, and the reader will feel attuned to the drama as it unfolds. The author also shares some of her knowledge of her ancestral Native American healing therapies, which is insightful given that so many people are starting to turn to naturopathic methods in healthcare. She is so right when she says that treating mental illness is more than just “cheering up.” That comes from a generation half a century ago when mental illness was considered a mind-over-matter issue and one that we had to toughen up to endure, plus hide in the closet as it might be an embarrassment to others. Mindfulness is all about taking care of perhaps the most important part of our bodies, our sense of well-being, and this is the book to help us confront our mental state of being.

Michael Pleban

This raw and deeply personal memoir offers an unflinching look at the author's struggles with mental illness, trauma, and intergenerational pain. Grey bravely shares her journey from a chaotic, abusive childhood through years of battling depression, anxiety, and psychosis as an adult. While some of the traumatic content is difficult to read, Grey's resilience shines through as she details her path towards healing through therapy, medication, mindfulness practices, and creative pursuits. The latter half of the book shifts to more of a self-help guide, offering practical advice and exercises for others dealing with mental health challenges. Though this section feels somewhat disconnected from the earlier narrative, it provides valuable tools and insights. Overall, Grey's vulnerable storytelling and hard-won wisdom make for an impactful read that may offer hope and guidance to those on their own mental health journeys.


It was very difficult to read the first part of this book. It is never ok to abuse and rape a child. I appreciate the honesty and narrative, which others in this difficult situation will understand and identify with. The self-help part of the book offers a light at the end of the tunnel. It is a difficult read, but, will absolutely offer help and solace to those who have been through a similar experience.

A Parker

"Bedridden & Gutted to Mindful: A Writer’s Approach to Depression" is a raw and insightful exploration of living with depression. The author’s vulnerability and honesty provide comfort to those struggling, while offering practical strategies for managing mental health. This book is a powerful resource for anyone seeking to understand or navigate the complexities of depression.


It combines memoir and self-help, showing a genuine view on confounding trauma and depression. Composed by someone who has encountered these challenges firsthand, it delivers personal understandings and practical techniques for linking with the current moment, completed by mindfulness and classic therapies.

Kingsley Beck

I think Bedridden & From Gut to Mindfulness is not just a personal memoir, but also a guide for helping others overcome depression. The author uses her own experiences to show how mindfulness and therapy can help heal deep-seated trauma. I find the discussion on intergenerational trauma particularly thought-provoking, making me realize that healing is not just a personal endeavor but also a contribution to family and society. If you're looking for a practical yet emotional approach to healing, this book will offer you inspiration and strength.

K L ?

An emotional journey but one I would definitely recommend to any who has ever experienced, or know anyone who has experienced depression. This was a powerful insight for me personally and I felt so seen. I wish the author of this memoir continued growth, joy and happiness.

Thanh-Xuan Nguyen

This book is a captivating page-turner with vivid descriptions of the trauma the author and her siblings endured, and how these experiences shaped her life and decisions. The storytelling is so immersive that I felt as if I was right there alongside her, experiencing her journey firsthand.

What truly sets this memoir apart is its dual purpose: it's not only a deeply personal account of resilience and hope but also a guide for others seeking to heal from their past. The author goes to great lengths to explain how writing a memoir can help individuals come to terms with their trauma and begin the healing process.

Highly recommended for anyone in need of inspiration and looking to learn how to heal from childhood abuse.

Meera Iyer

It offers a stimulating combination of memoir and self-help, composed by someone who's undergone depression firsthand. It digs trauma-based dissociation and equips useful strategies for mindfulness.

Alice G

The book provides a raw and insightful exploration of the struggles with mental health through the perspective of a writer. It blends personal narrative with practical advice, giving readers a mix of vulnerability and guidance. The author’s candid recounting of their battles with depression is both moving and enlightening, offering a unique perspective on managing and understanding mental health challenges. This compelling read is ideal for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of depression and a path toward mindfulness.

Olivier Guiberteau

Memoirs on depression can sometimes feel like slogging through the trenches, but this was very good. It covers the author's experiences (and those of her family) and then examines how they have all been shaped by those experiences. Not always an easy read for obvious reasons, but excellently written

May Killebrew Hanna

This is a raw glimpse into the author’s journey with depression and disassociation. It’s deeply personal and offers both a source of comfort and a tool for emotional resilience.


I gave this book as a gift to a very special person who is going through a dark period in her life. When she started reading it I received a THANK YOU from her.


I bought "Bedridden & Gutted to Mindful" for a friend struggling with depression, but found it incredibly insightful myself. This deeply moving memoir combines resilience and practical guidance for healing. Highly recommended for anyone seeking inspiration or understanding of living with depression.


This part memoir, part self-help book is for anyone who has experienced depression or knows someone who has. The author's personal story is both heartbreaking and inspiring, and the inclusion of mindfulness and other therapeutic techniques provides valuable tools for healing.

Shari K

This is a wonderfully well-written book about trauma and the human spirit to persevere. I absolutely appreciate the author's honesty and vulnerability. This book will save lives!!

Sung Sik Yoon

This book provides a relatable and inspiring journey through the author's experience with depression. The personal stories and practical advice in the book create a sense of understanding and connection. It not only offers comfort but also encourages readers to begin their own journey to healing and strength. Anyone seeking to understand and overcome the challenges of depression should read this book.

Kosh Ram

This book can be very helpful to people who have depression or have experienced situations that made them traumatized. The well written pages can help them heal and move forward.

Tetiana Polishchuk

I love reading self-help, memoir, self-discovery books because they provide valuable insights. This particular book does an excellent job of self discovery.

Taylor James Sapp

This moving memoir encourages readers to reflect on their personal journeys, find comfort in shared experiences and possible traumas, and ultimately discover the strength to overcome life's challenges. Incorporating mindfulness, biophilia, and a twelve-step program alongside traditional therapies and medicines, this book may also alleviate stress, anxiety, and discontent in non-addicts. This straightforward, accessible, yet profoundly helpful book is essential for anyone seeking psychological well-being and peace of mind.

Tiffany Holmes

The story is moving, heartbreaking, and inspiring....what an incredible journey to self discovery and healing. Highly recommend if you want to expand and grow and be inspired by someone else's journey.

Sean Burke

offers a raw and insightful exploration of the struggles with mental health through the lens of a writer. The book combines personal narrative with practical advice, providing readers a blend of vulnerability and guidance. The author's candid recounting of their own battles with depression is both moving and enlightening, offering a unique perspective on managing and understanding mental health challenges. It’s a compelling read for anyone looking for a deeper understanding of depression and a path toward mindfulness.


The author shares her story which makes this book so relatable. This is a well-written and powerful read.


All too often depression goes unnoticed. After suffering from depression the last thirteen years, I tend to read more about it and immerse myself in knowledge about the topic. This was an excellent book to read. The narrative not only chronicles the author’s past hardships but also presents a thoughtful exploration of resilience and self-discovery. The emphasis on adaptability and problem-solving showcases the practical tools that helped the author navigate their challenges. The incorporation of mindfulness and biophilia adds an enriching dimension to the book, offering readers additional strategies for managing stress and enhancing psychological well-being.

Marie Kira

The narration of the author is fantastic, it is very emotional as she relates each of her personal journeys, leaving a lot of learning from the experiences shared. The book has a magical part that helps to find strength to overcome obstacles, it is very useful to find emotional stability and mental peace.


This is an original combination of biography and self-help that reverberates profoundly with readers encountering trauma and depression. Authored by someone who has guided these battles firsthand, it offers helpful wisdom into mindfulness and self-reliance.

S Kumar Mishra

The story is about author's emotional struggles. By the virtue of adaptability, resilience, resourcefulness helps her in overcoming life's challenges. Reading the book is an unique experience.

Nadeem Lutfullah

Reading the first few pages, I was sure I'm going to enjoy this book, mainly for two reasons. First, the author Angela is an extremely accomplished writer in this particular niche. Secondly, you can immediately make out the pure emotions that are visible in her words.

This book presents a powerful journey through the depths of depression, offering an authentic and deeply personal perspective. A great read for understanding the complexities of depression and the resilience it takes to find mindfulness and peace.

Alex S

This book offers a deeply personal and insightful exploration of depression from a writer's perspective. It provides a mindful approach to understanding and coping with this challenging condition. Perfect for anyone seeking solace and strategies for mental health struggles.

Koren Norton

This story had me so captivated and at times I had to skip some difficult parts but overall the reality of this author's life was gut wrenching. I wish every parent would read this book to understand how their alcoholism or having the wrong partner can really mess with a kid's life. Kudos to the author for sharing this story; it was a very brake thing to do and reliving these details must have taken a lot out of her. I have a new appreciation for persons living with depression and I liked that she identified techniques which helped her so that others can try them too. A very impactful book.