Before You Met Me

Non-Fiction - Memoir
98 Pages
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Before You Met Me by Agatha Sicil is a deeply personal and poignant exploration of trauma, family dynamics, and the journey toward healing. Through confessional poetry and prose, Agatha shares her tumultuous experiences, including her search for her missing brother, strained relationships with her father, and the profound impact of loss and sexual abuse on her mental and physical health. She talks about beautiful summer vacations with her late grandmother, and the dark side of her mother's boyfriend and great-uncle. Her father's absence, his drug abuse, and his movement in and out of prison are also discussed. She delves into her therapeutic journey, unveiling the complexities of her past, and grappling with self-harm, PTSD, and suicidal ideation, while ultimately striving to reclaim her voice, confront her demons, and continue fighting for her life. Additionally, she artfully intertwines other social issues such as bullying, racial profiling, and generational trauma into her poems, offering a profound exploration of personal and collective struggles.

Before You Met Me is a captivating collection of poems that express deep emotional struggles, masterfully conveyed through the author’s raw and honest narrative poetry. The collection delves into themes of loss, neglect, and sexual abuse, inviting readers to empathize with her experiences and reflect on their journeys. Sicil's vulnerability shines through each poem, making for a compelling and heart-wrenching read that will resonate with anyone familiar with life's darker moments. Through its unpredictable narration and shocking revelations, the book not only serves as a cathartic release for the author and all those affected by similar challenges but also acts as a beacon of hope, underscoring the transformative power of storytelling in the healing process. It explores the intricate dynamics of support and belief in the context of trauma, highlighting how a family’s faith in a victim can be pivotal for healing. The inclusion of the author’s diary entries and correspondences enriches the narrative, providing a profound glimpse into her emotional journey. This content may be a trigger to some sensitive readers. Despite this, it is worth reading because it encourages dialogue around the often-silenced experiences of abuse, illustrating the importance of having a supportive network, which can empower others to find their voice and seek justice.