Bill's Magic Box II

Children - Grade 4th-6th
211 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

R.C. Hammond brings twenty captivating short stories narrated in verse in Bill's Magic Box II. This collection takes young readers on adventurous rides, each more fascinating than the last. A troublesome child tricks his latest babysitter into allowing him to host a sleepover, only for regret to set in after he learns of his next babysitter. Jimmy hates waking up on Mondays for school, and today, he has to sidestep lava flowing into his house to make his way out. A little girl knows the place where stars fall from the sky. Multiple generations of children brave injuries and an eerie path through a forest to play on a fabled trampoline. A young kid learns about the consequences of being a leader. A child has a best friend no one else believes in.

This is a brilliant short story collection for middle graders. Whimsical, funny, and charming, Bill's Magic Box II is bound to be a hit among kids. The tales not only entertain but also contain a few valuable life lessons sprinkled throughout the pages. The rhymes are catchy, and the stories almost always take you by surprise. You never know what to expect as you start reading the next one. R.C. Hammond does a stellar job of capturing a child's sense of wonder and adventure in these stories, infusing a bit of magic and heart to put a smile on their faces. The stories are very accessible and easy to read. Most of all, they are so much fun. I had a blast reading this book and highly recommend it to preteen readers.

C.R. Hurst

R.C. Hammond’s Bill’s Magic Box II is the second book in a series of short stories for grades four through six. Told in rhythmic and rhyming verse, this collection recounts the mischief, mayhem, and musings of children of the same age. Twenty stories tell of adventures that can only happen when kids are as far from the voices of their mothers and fathers as possible – stories about neglectful babysitters, abandoned properties, irresistible ponds and lemonade stands, glorious snowy days and clear nights of falling stars, even dreams of Bigfoot and virtual universes where avatars are taught a lesson or two. All the stories are told from the perspectives of children who have not yet lost the ability to blend the real and the fantastic, creating a kind of magic realism for kids.

Bill’s Magic Box II is wildly imaginative. R.C. Hammond’s ability to enter the world of a child in such an evocative way illustrates the talent of the author. One of my favorite stories is called Where the Stars Fall from the Sky in which a young girl “finds a path where only she can travel” to see stars that “land with a quiet poof.” Another called P-I-G about a certain pig’s insatiable and completely indiscriminate appetite is a tour-de-force of nauseating wordplay. The last story, A Thought, is a fitting one in that it explains how creativity begins with a thought and reveals the author’s mission to convince his young (and not-so-young) reader that “if thoughts create things and things come from thoughts just think . . . of how powerful you are.”

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

R.C. Hammond offers twenty family-friendly stories in Bill's Magic Box II. The author, a mysterious "Bill" who left a magic box of stories in the editor's garage, narrates the stories in verse as if reliving memories. From a child who can make parents and babysitters crazy to a youth who has to survive lava as he gets ready for school, readers get a glimpse into the author's mischievous deeds and imagination. Certain pieces have enlightening information, like the names of groups of animals. The work covers many childhood experiences, and adventures as the author seeks to improve birthday parties and relive a childhood connection to Bigfoot.

R.C. Hammond has delivered an upbeat book that will grab a young reader's attention from the first line. The verses will make you feel like you're experiencing the stories, swimming through the stars "like a mermaid through the heavens" and seeing the "thick white flakes" during a snowy day. Full of creativity and rhyming verses, the stories will delight young readers and beg to be shared and read aloud. Young readers will relate to the poems as "Bill" describes prune-like skin and building a formidable avatar. The multi-genre stories will have you laughing, deep in thought, and experiencing an eerie chill. Many of the poems had a similar tone and delivery to certain Shel Silverstein pieces. Each story provides another layer of fun and entertainment, making me wonder if the author ever ran out of ideas! Readers who enjoy stories that are told with a humorous flair will love Bill's Magic Box II.