Blood on the Veld

A Christian Bekker Wildlife Crime Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - General
520 Pages
Reviewed on 08/18/2024
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Author Biography

S. A. McLain has worked as a pizza maker, bartender, interior designer and marketing manager. After moving to the UK from California, she got her financial planning qualifications and spent several years in financial services while writing in her spare time.

Her debut novel, When Red Is Blue, is a National Indie Excellence and Readers’ Favorite award winner. She has also written articles for several travel and lifestyle websites and a three-part series on financial planning for Scottish Woman magazine.

She lives in a village north of London with her husband and two house lions and loves an ice bath.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Andy Hutchings for Readers' Favorite

This week I’ve buried myself in the dark and compelling world of Blood on the Veld, a thriller from S.A. McLain that looks to be the start of a gripping series of wildlife and conservation-themed thrillers. I love the angle of a high-stakes thriller set in the complex world of animal conservation, and the author wastes no time in plunging readers into the tangled web of poachers and corruption that has plagued efforts across the world. Investigating his role in the death of a poacher when he was a teenager, protagonist Christian Bekker soon learns that there was a far deeper conspiracy in play than he ever thought, and pulling at the threads that will unravel the conspiracy puts him in the crosshairs of some very dangerous people.

Thrillers need compelling and complex protagonists, and in leading man Christian Bekker, we find that S.A. McLain has expertly crafted a nuanced figure to center the narrative around. He quickly establishes an excellent sense of depth that lifts him off the page and makes him someone the audience is keen to share the journey with, and, through his eyes, the murky web of connections behind the poaching of animals in South Africa becomes a high stakes battle for the soul of his native country. Blood on the Veld is an excellent opening novel to what I hope will be a long-running series, establishing its lead, themes, and world whilst always being sure to tell a story that is narratively complete and satisfying. Dangerous, fascinating, and more than a little addictive, this is a quality thriller that I recommend highly.

K.C. Finn

Blood on the Veld is a work of fiction by author S. A. McLain in the thriller, suspense, and action genres. It is best suited to mature adult readers owing to the presence of violence, strong language, and sexual references throughout, as well as references to sensitive topics like suicide. At seventeen, Christian Bekker killed a poacher in self-defense but was exiled from South Africa. Years later, as a conservation director in London, Christian returns to uncover the truth behind his father's suicide and the events of that fateful day. His quest leads him into a corrupt world of wildlife crime where police and government officials conspire with poachers. As Christian delves deeper, he becomes a target himself. This action-packed thriller explores corruption, power, and the fight to protect South Africa’s wildlife.

Author S. A. McLain blends crime and politics with the deeply emotional journey of protagonist, Christian Bekker. The portrayal of Christian’s return to South Africa, driven by his father’s suicide and the quest for truth, was both heart-wrenching and compelling. The brilliant attention to detail in the narration allows us to sit on Christian’s shoulder and feel every moment of grief and strength. The focus on wildlife crime and the corruption within the police and government added a new angle of complexity to the bigger picture that was both eye-opening and disturbing. The vivid depictions of South Africa’s landscapes and the intense, dangerous world of poaching pulled me into a story where the stakes were high and the consequences dire, and I was totally invested in a watertight internal logic that never put a foot wrong to pull you out of the moment. The unexpected plot twists and moral dilemmas kept me on the edge of my seat too, offering fantastic pacing and some twists that led to a shocking but satisfying conclusion. Overall, I would certainly recommend Blood on the Veld as accomplished work for thriller fans everywhere.

Alma Boucher

Blood on the Veld by S. A. McLain is a Christian Bekker Wildlife Crime thriller. After killing a poacher in self-defense, Christian’s family was ordered to leave South Africa and never return. Christian's father, Franz, died in what was reported to be a suicide, although Christian was adamant that his father did not commit suicide. Franz left all the evidence he had obtained for Christian after learning that the corporation he worked for was smuggling ivory. Christian sensed his father wanted him to discover the truth about what had transpired on that fatal day over twenty years ago, and so he traveled back to South Africa. While investigating Franz's theory that the family's expulsion from the country was somehow related to all of this, Christian discovered that government agents and law enforcement were working together with criminals to exploit wildlife.

Blood on the Veld by S. A. McLain is fast-paced and action-packed. The action started on the first page and held my attention until the end. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, and I had difficulty putting the book down. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next and was guessing until the end. The characters were authentic and relatable. Christian battled his issues and his father's alleged suicide, but he still went back to a country where he was banned to find the truth. Because of the captivating writing style, I turned the pages quickly to find out what had happened all those years ago. The story was enjoyable to read, and even after I closed the book, it is still fresh in my memory.

Foram Vyas

Blood on the Veld by S. A. McLain plunges readers into a gripping tale set against the vibrant backdrop of South Africa's wildlife. Christian Bekker, a man with a troubled past, returns to his homeland under shadowy circumstances involving his family's exile and a deadly encounter with a poacher. As he delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding his banishment, Christian uncovers a web of corruption and greed fueled by the illegal trade in animal parts. With stakes escalating and his life in peril, Christian becomes a reluctant crusader determined to expose the truth and confront those who would exploit South Africa's natural treasures for profit. McLain's storytelling prowess shines through in Blood on the Veld, with a meticulously plotted narrative that unfolds with cinematic intensity. The plot is intricately woven, keeping readers on edge with its fast-paced action and suspenseful twists.

The vivid descriptions immerse readers in the diverse landscapes of South Africa, from its lush wilderness teeming with majestic wildlife to its urban centers pulsating with political intrigue. Christian Bekker stands out as a compelling protagonist driven by moral conviction and personal redemption. The novel's strength lies not only in its thrilling plot and well-developed protagonist but also in its poignant exploration of conservation issues. McLain deftly integrates themes of environmental stewardship and the devastating impact of wildlife trafficking, grounding the narrative in real-world concerns. The evocative portrayal of South Africa's natural beauty serves as a poignant backdrop to these themes, underscoring the urgent need for preservation amidst pervasive corruption. Blood on the Veld by S. A. McLain is a captivating read that will resonate with fans of suspenseful thrillers and anyone passionate about wildlife conservation and the vibrant spirit of South Africa.

Alicia DeBerry

S. A. McLain unveils the shady, dangerous, and profitable world of wildlife trafficking in Blood on the Veld. Dr. Christian Bekker is a conservation director in London. After his father commits suicide, Christian finds a hidden message from him. Christian's mission is to discover what happened 20 years ago when he and his family had to leave South Africa. His father had to sell the game reserve. Despite possibly being arrested if caught, he gets on a plane to Johannesburg. Old friends and acquaintances help him along the way. He faces corrupt police officers and government officials who conspire with criminals to exploit South African wildlife. Will Christian solve the mystery of his father's death, or will he end up with his blood on the veld?  
Blood on the Veld is an epic thriller that readers who enjoy mystery, suspense, intrigue, and conspiracy and are advocates of saving the world's wildlife will love. S. A. McLain does a masterful job of guiding the reader's emotions from page one. I felt overwhelming sorrow over the plight of the animals being hunted and poached. Every decision that Christian Bekker made that brought him closer to danger had me biting my nails in suspense. I found the revelation of how each corrupt player gets involved beyond intriguing. The author highlights the difficulty of upholding wildlife conservation policies when there are corrupt individuals who will create humanitarian issues, such as making animals rampage and endanger humans, to fulfill their profit goals.