Build Resilience

Live, Learn, and Lead

Non-Fiction - Self Help
268 Pages
Reviewed on 08/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

In Build Resilience, Lucy Chen explores resilience through personal and historical lenses. At her daughter’s graduation, she feels her late father's absence and reflects on his WWII hardships and her mother Xiaoqin’s perseverance during the Cultural Revolution. Chen's own difficulties, including adapting to the US, caregiving for her mother with dementia, and the COVID-19 pandemic, highlight her resilience. She speaks on self-care, mindfulness, and hope in stress management. Chen’s career shift from environmental engineering to quantitative analysis, discussions with friends, and conversion to Christianity are put forward as proof of her evolving pliancy and faith. Her involvement in Toastmasters and community support, along with advocating simple living through Grace, Yasmin, and Master Min, marks the benefits of continuous learning and connections.

“God answered my heartfelt prayers, and for that, I hold a profound sense of gratitude.” Lucy Chen does an excellent job of providing a comprehensive view of three generations in Build Resilience, providing a strong intergenerational perspective that allows us to genuinely appreciate the progress made over time and understand the continuity of her values and resilience. Chen's inspiring memoir is embedded in a foundation of Christianity, and she employs scripture and moments of prayer and thanks throughout. Her work feels like a heartfelt testimony and there is a clear sense that she knows her journey and that of her parents were part of a divine path through frequent reflections on God’s providence and by expressing gratitude for the blessings received. This continues even in dark moments and is what makes her memoir a beacon of hope. The writing is intelligent, accessible, and engrossing, and will undoubtedly be embraced by readers who are looking to be inspired. Very highly recommended.