Building Bridges

The Twin Lakes Series

Fiction - Science Fiction
216 Pages
Reviewed on 06/22/2024
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Author Biography

The basic concept for all three books in the Twin Lakes Series came to Ralph in 2010. When remarrying in 2013 to Lynda, he told her of the concept. She loved it and wanted to write the book.

Lynda and Ralph created characters, foibles, and relationships. They then wrote an outline. From there, the story seemed to take on a life of its own, leading them to where it wanted to go.

This led to the following two books.

As seniors, Ralph and Lynda want this to serve as a beacon of hope to everyone that it's never too late to chase your dreams.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Building Bridges by Ralph and Lynda Homan follows Barney Keller's journey after receiving an encrypted message unlocking access to the seventh dimension. From this, we see Barney's insight, including encounters with deceased loved ones and reflections on human responsibility, and aims to bridge heaven and earth. Barney works to assist ghosts stuck between dimensions, using an Ouija board and cherry tobacco essence, with the hope of helping them move on to the afterlife. Inspired by his experiences, Barney develops SynthaGas to counteract global geopolitical tensions, but an AI threat aiming for global domination forces Barney to work toward disrupting AI networks and restoring order in a world marked by global disruption. Building Bridges is book two in The Twin Lakes Series, preceded by book one, Un-Ringing the Bell.

Ralph and Lynda Homan do a great job of integrating scientific concepts with spiritual and religious themes in Building Bridges. By doing this, the authors encourage readers to consider the interconnectedness of scientific understanding and spiritual enlightenment, which is unusual in speculative fiction. I was most impressed by the messaging of the “Veiled Vindicator,” with its surprisingly timely message on how AI, much like human political leaders, can utilize deceptive tactics to manipulate and control. This obviously presses for a more informed and vigilant populace, and I think many readers will be able to relate parts of this to their own lives. The writing is straightforward, leaning toward substance over style, and those who enjoy it will be happy to know that book three, Suspension of Disbelief, is already released, so there's no wait to continue the journey. Very highly recommended.