Sahalie the Wonder Dog

The Story of Crater Lake

Christian - General
37 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Inga Buccella for Readers' Favorite

In Sahalie the Wonder Dog: The Story of Crater Lake by Shauna McHugh, while picking out a puppy, a girl named Faith has her heart stolen by a white, blue-eyed furball. On the way to Faith's grandparents's house, they stop at Sahalie Falls. White mist from the beautiful waterfalls blends with the puppy's fluffy fur, and Faith decides then and there to name her "Sahalie." As she grows up, the adventurous Sahalie enjoys swimming in lakes, running up snowy mountainsides, and digging in sand and snow. One September evening, while Faith's family and dog camped at Crater Lake in Oregon, a traumatic but magical thing happened. Crater Lake is said to possess the power to pull planes and vehicles into its "mouth." With a beautiful sunset as a backdrop, Sahalie becomes one of the lake's victims by being sucked into it!

Sahalie the Wonder Dog by Shauna McHugh is an uplifting story about a loving and courageous dog. If the author had not mentioned that this is a true story, I would have thought it an interesting tale. But knowing the story is true, I am amazed at this dog’s determination. Was it her fighting spirit or love for Faith that saved her? We will never know. I enjoyed that the story is both entertaining and informative. Learning that Crater Lake is the deepest lake in America and a Natural Wonder of the World makes the setting all the more appealing. I also loved the colorful pictures, which make the book appropriate for younger children. You need not be a dog person to admire Sahalie the Wonder Dog, who in this book is also one of the Wonders of the World.