
First Steps on the Path of Light

Fiction - Science Fiction
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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Author Biography

David Loermans was never going to settle for simply having a couple of poems published. A love of immersive, creative writing combined with a passion for sci-fi/fantasy to drive the desire to write his first novel, Cadence. It is simply the start of the Pathways series, and the expression of a ground-breaking theme that has been aching for release, for nearly a decade.

His creativity finds more relaxed outlets in digital photography, when other passions for tai chi, time at home with his beautiful partner, and the runes of the Elder Futhark, allow.

Many of us have role played or delved into spiritual development, but we rarely explore beyond our own entertainment or growth. Sometimes, these ideas are too big to keep to ourselves, and David will continue to share the tale of Darius Cade as new Pathways are discovered.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Cadence: First Steps on the Path of Light is a work of fiction in the science fiction, mystery, and adventure genres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to scenes of graphic violence and the use of explicit language throughout. Penned by author D.G. Loermans, the story follows Darius Cade, an aging mercenary and experienced killer, as he investigates a series of murders. After decades on the run, Cade’s physical abilities are waning. Advanced technology can't restore his youth, but a tattoo infused with a fragment of the Earthdawn deity’s power enhances his abilities. This tattoo, however, links him to a darker entity. Together, they must solve the murders, uncovering unwanted truths and facing new dangers. Their cooperation is strained, but their combined strength could make them an unstoppable force.

Author D.G. Loermans utilizes vivid descriptions and tense timing in a thrilling and thought-provoking journey where danger and mystery collide at every possible moment. The character of Darius Cade, with his complex past and current vulnerabilities, drew me in immediately thanks to the details and descriptions that bring him to life. His speech and thoughts give us a close look at his psyche, and I found his struggle with aging and the moral ambiguities of his profession suitably deep and interesting to explore. The concept of tattoos infused with divine power was fascinating and highly original, blending fantasy, science fiction, and technology story elements uniquely. Cade’s reluctant partnership with the darker entity provided tension and unpredictability, making their interactions captivating, and the dialogue-driven discovery elements of the mystery plot kept the story moving along naturally. The pacing and intricate plot twists maintained my interest throughout, and I found myself eagerly turning pages to see how Cade and his unlikely ally would navigate their challenges. Overall, Cadence is an accomplished sci-fi mystery tale packed with action and high-concept fun, and I would certainly recommend it.

Christian Sia

Cadence: First Steps on the Path of Light by D.G. Loermans is an unusual crime novel following Darius Cade, a notorious killer now feeling the weight of age. He has been and is still being pursued by bounty hunters. Feeling he cannot save himself from those who want him dead, he chooses a path tattooists offer using his natural abilities — to integrate their ink with a fragment of the Earthdawn deity, binding the tattoo to the power of the deity. The inking becomes something more sinister than what he had expected. Instead of simply enhancing his abilities, he is bound to a powerful being with much control over him. Will Darius find the freedom to make any choice by himself, or is he condemned to function together with the powerful being? What are its intentions?

D.G. Loermans’ Cadence ingeniously examines choices, consequences, religious fanaticism, and freedom. The writing is excellent; the short sentences and vivid descriptions make reading the story enjoyable. The writing is filled with exciting details, expertly crafted suspense, and unforgettable characters that combine to make this a certified page-turner. The internal conflict is handled with unique skill and intelligence. Darius is a man who is presented as being torn apart by the mix of his blood and the inking. Readers will want to discover what happens to him as the narrative progresses. Loermans cleverly marries propulsive action scenes and noir grit, taking the story in an unexpected direction. This novel features twists that readers won’t anticipate and a steady conflict that moves the narrative forward.

Romuald Dzemo

Cadence: First Steps on the Path of Light by D.G. Loermans melds science fiction and supernatural elements to deliver a unique read. Darius Cade is a wanted mercenary who feels he is running out of time. He doesn’t have the speed of youth that enabled him to evade bounty hunters. A killer is stalking the night and leaving numerous bodies in its wake. Darius may be the perfect person to solve the murders. Desperate to reclaim his former glory, he turns to the dark art of tattooing, seeking to tap into the divine power of the Earthdawn deity. But as the ink takes hold, Darius is bound to an evil force threatening to consume him. With a bounty on his head, Darius must navigate a deadly cat-and-mouse game while dealing with an evil entity with a sinister agenda. Can Darius uncover the truth behind the string of gruesome murders and free himself from a power that gains control over him as time passes?

D.G. Loermans’ novel stands out in its originality. The author builds realism into the narrative by creating a familiar setting. Yet, the narrative transports readers into a world where unusual powers operate and a religious order controls the characters' minds. Character development is impeccable, and readers will enjoy following Cade, a character with scars. His backstory is skillfully woven, and it gives depth to his personality. The author has successfully created a character who seems unbeatable yet is genuinely flawed. He can’t stop thinking about his end. His choice to be inked with a fragment of the Earthdawn deity is the premise of a suspenseful tale that keeps readers guessing as to what will happen next. Cadence is a deftly plotted narrative with excellent writing and terrific descriptions.