Change of Mission

A Jake Fortina Series Novel

Fiction - Thriller - General
326 Pages
Reviewed on 10/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Change of Mission by Ralph R. "Rick" Steinke is an intense thriller that is the third installment of the Jake Fortina series. Set primarily in Italy, the novel follows US Army Lieutenant Colonel Jake Fortina and his Carabinieri wife, Sara Simonetti-Fortina, as they navigate separate, perilous threats from powerful criminal and terrorist organizations. Seeking a shift in his life's mission, Jake finds himself in deeper conflict than anticipated, calling upon his most trusted allies, including a US Army sergeant and a Ukrainian Air Force colonel, to confront formidable adversaries and determine his future.

Author Ralph R. "Rick" Steinke brings his characters to life with remarkable depth, creating personalities that feel genuine and relatable despite their extraordinary circumstances. This connection between readers and the characters is immediate with plenty of vivid narrative techniques and clever dialogue. His attention to Italian cultural and geographical details adds to the authenticity by transporting readers completely into the story's setting, making every scene vivid and real. The balance of high-stakes action with quieter, introspective moments is perfectly pitched for timely highs and lows, and it allows readers to connect deeply with Jake and Sara's personal struggles while maintaining a gripping pace throughout. I was also highly impressed with how Steinke developed the complex web of relationships between characters, making every interaction feel meaningful and every loyalty tested in ways that kept me guessing until the very end. Overall, Change of Mission is a must-read for anyone who appreciates a sophisticated thriller that delivers both heart-pounding action and emotional depth, and I would not hesitate to recommend it.