Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly

Children - Adventure
42 Pages
Reviewed on 09/30/2024
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Author Biography

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) holds a Ph.D. in Law and is an award-winning children’s author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 2015, examines the limits of freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shifts of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to her doctoral research, Tuula Pere had a career spanning over two decades as a lawyer and held various expert and executive positions in large industrial companies.

Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over sixty children's books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. She has also authored poetry and aphorisms for children, as well as short stories and non-fiction for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and the mother of three.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly by Tuula Pere is a sweet and endearing children’s book about friendship, age, and compassion. The story follows Roscoe, a circus dog, who has been experiencing difficulties due to aging as he finds it harder and harder to perform once-easy tricks. However, his assistant Rolly - a lively puppy - has helped as she can do what he can’t, though she still requires a little guidance. While it becomes more difficult for Roscoe to remember how to do certain tricks, it becomes easier for Rolly, and soon she’s taking center stage. He begins to fear that the time is fast approaching when he’ll lose his job with the circus. Roscoe quickly learns he still has a lot to offer when a crisis disrupts an important performance during a Christmas event and it’s up to him to save the day.

Roscoe’s journey contains a mix of themes such as friendship, having compassion toward others struggling, loving old dogs, and remembering that everyone has something to offer. Roscoe’s perspective shapes the story through his focus on his ‘shortcomings’ such as bad eyesight and memory which creates a growing fear of being fired. Tuula Pere has created a great representation of anxiety and an easy way for parents to explain the concept to children. Roscoe’s emotions are relatable, which makes it even more important that he is shown love and compassion from Rolly. She only ever lends her support and even goes to look for him when he feels overwhelmed. This makes her an amazing character for children to connect with as she is an example of how to reach out with kindness. The illustrations by Francesco Orazzini are stunning, allowing children to connect with and understand the characters. The story is also a fun homage to the saying ‘can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ but with more heart and joy. Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly is an adorable story that has so much heart that it’s perfect for children and adults to share the endearing characters and lovely lessons.

Pikasho Deka

Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly by Tuula Pere follows the adventures of two adorable dogs who work in a circus. Nothing brings more pleasure to Roscoe than going up on stage and performing tricks for children. But now that he is getting older, Roscoe is accompanied by a cute little puppy named Rolly. Roscoe loves Rolly's lively personality and youthful energy. Rolly takes over a few tricks Roscoe is unable to perform these days. Nowadays, he sticks to counting numbers while Rolly balances on high beams and jumps through burning hoops. One day, Roscoe gets really nervous on stage as he struggles to solve counting problems. He fears he can no longer perform at the circus. But after helping a woman find her child with his keen sense of smell, Roscoe realizes how much everyone loves him.

Getting older is part of life but having loving friends and family makes everything easier. This heartwarming picture book tells the story of two dogs at different stages of their lives forming a beautiful friendship that allows them both to do the things they love. Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly is a fun-filled adventure suitable for young readers and adults alike. Roscoe and Rolly have different strengths, and they help each other out to perform the best show in front of their beloved audience. I loved how toward the end, despite his fears, Roscoe still finds the courage and motivation to help someone else in need. Tuula Pere's storytelling is as captivating as ever, and Francesco Orazzini does a fantastic job with the illustrations. Children and animal lovers, in general, will love this book.

Delene Vrey

Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly by Tuula Pere tells the story of Roscoe and Rolly, two circus dogs. Roscoe the older dog has trained Rolly, the new puppy, making life easier for the aging performance dog. But as Roscoe grows older, he notices how well Rolly is doing and how his own mental sharpness is declining. One night during the performance, Roscoe has trouble remembering his tricks and runs off stage halfway through the act. Troubled by Roscoe’s decline, the circus owner wonders what to do about the faithful dog. Over Christmas, Roscoe hears that Rolly will take over as the main performing dog while Roscoe will take on a supportive role. When a mother is hysterical because her little daughter is missing, everyone from the performers to the spectators helps look for the little girl. Roscoe with his trusty nose sniffs out the girl’s scent and finds her. Roscoe is the hero of the night and is promised a place at the circus.

Tuula Pere has written a touching story explaining aging and the loss that accompanies it. By using the analogy of a canine performer in a circus, she has found a way to explain to children of all ages the concept of growing out of situations as well as becoming fragile in old age, unable to do what we were able to in our youth. Children need to learn that grownups were young and active once and that it is sad to grow old and feel lost. The lovely illustrations by Francesco Orazzini bring the story to life in a colorful way and enhance the narrative with the physical attributes mentioned in the text visible in the illustrations. Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly is an entertaining and instructive book that will become a children’s favorite.

Makeda Cummings

Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly by Tuula Pere is a heartwarming children's story depicting the adventures of two adorable circus dogs who combine forces to form a perfect friendship. Roscoe is a lovable and talented older circus dog. His top act is being able to solve mathematical equations and bark out the answers. Unfortunately, he isn't the young pup he used to be many years ago. His eyesight and memory aren't as sharp as they once were, affecting his ability to perform his circus acts. Rolly, a lively and perky younger dog, is a new addition to the circus. Roscoe helps Rolly overcome her performance anxiety by motivating and mentoring her. One day, during a circus performance, a small child is reported missing by her mother. Even with his failing eyesight, Roscoe is confident he can help this mother. Can his trusty nose and tenacious spirit save the day?

Tuula Pere's Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly is a beautiful tale about friendship and demonstrating kindness to others despite any limitations. Even though Roscoe and Rolly are at different stages in their lives, they mutually appreciate their friendship and value each other. Tuula Pere does a spectacular job of revealing to readers that despite the age gap between this dynamic pair, Roscoe and Rolly are talented and resourceful in unique ways. This story is suitable for small children and will teach young readers the importance of forming healthy friendships, supporting their friends, believing in themselves, developing a resilient spirit, and learning to problem-solve. Most of all, it will remind children that everyone is valuable and has equally meaningful talents. I also love Francesco Orazzini's illustrations. They add a cozy and comforting layer to the storyline. I'm sure other readers (young and old) will appreciate this endearing tale just as much as I did.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

We need to respect our elders and learn from them so we can make this world a better place. Tuula Pere's Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly address the issue of seniors teaching the young. Roscoe is an elderly circus dog who’s finding some things more difficult to do than when he was younger. Rolly is a puppy, just learning some tricks and what it means to act in the circus. The two are friends and Rolly looks up to Roscoe to help him through things like stage fright and some of the more complicated tricks. Roscoe fears he’s no longer of any use and will be cast aside. That is until one performance when a woman is distraught because her daughter has gone missing. Roscoe may have lost some of his mental abilities, his sight and hearing, but he still has a good nose. Can he find the girl and save the day? Will he be respected once again by the circus family?

Tuula Pere’s picture book, Circus Dogs Roscoe and Rolly, is an endearing story about aging and how important it is to take the time to listen and learn from our elders. The story is told in simple language to help young readers with their reading skills. The illustrations by Francesco Orazzini are pastel, subtle, and descriptive, adding another dimension to the developing story. The plot follows the two circus dogs, young and old, as they perform together and learn from each other. Young readers will instantly love the two main characters and they’ll be cheering on poor Roscoe as he continually deals with his growing uncertainties and his inability to perform like he used to. There may be a few tears shed in this story, but young readers will be hopeful for a happy ending. Loved it!