Creating a Life from the Ashes

A Memoir

Non-Fiction - Memoir
222 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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Author Biography

Dr. Fidele Sebahizi grew up in a poor African village, living and surviving an ethnically- motivated massacre in a United Nations refugee camp of Gatumba in Burundi, Africa. Fidele overcame life obstacles as an immigrant in the United States to achieve the American dream. He became the first immigrant to join and work for the Abilene Police Department in Texas as a police officer and the first member of his ethnic group, the Banyamulenge, in the United States to serve the American community in such a capacity. While working for the APD, Fidele earned multiple degrees: a B.A. in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University in New Hampshire, an M.S. in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University in Texas, and a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice—Homeland Security from Liberty University in Virginia.
A father and a husband, Fidele likes to listen to country music during his free time.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

Creating a Life from the Ashes by Fidele Sebahiz is a touching memoir that shares the author's experiences growing up in a village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and his new life in the United States. The author narrates the story of the struggles of growing up in a poor village, the violence against their people, and the sorrow and losses that come from living in a country at war. He survived the worst that any man can ever go through in a lifetime; he was circumcised ruthlessly, forced to live in a refugee camp, and faced difficulties even after immigrating to another country. Sebahizi’s narrative is not a simple memoir with historical facts but a powerful message about the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of hope amidst hardship.

Fidele Sebahizi’s writing style is realistic, giving a glimpse into his life and the challenges and traumas he had to go through. The narrative unfolds at a consistent pace, seamlessly blending thrilling and moving sections with quieter moments that allow readers to reflect. I found it extremely moving how openly and honestly the author was able to express his feelings and difficulties. Sebahizi and the people he meets are described clearly, showing the different individuals who have shaped his journey. Several issues of survival, identity, and determination in the memoir make it a compelling and thought-provoking read. Creating a Life from the Ashes is a story of courage, strength, and triumph, and one should not miss reading it.