Daughter of Light and Dark

Rings And Chains Book 1

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
291 Pages
Reviewed on 07/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Daughter of Light and Dark (Rings and Chains Book 1) by Ahlam Faris is a gripping fantasy. Mina and her Jinny, the Lord of Chains, are searching for a man and a ring. Jinn are creatures normal people can't see. But some can sense them, communicate with them, or even draw powers from the Jinn. Mina is a Seer who can feel, see, and communicate with the Jinn without a ring. Seers do need a ring to bind Jinn to them. Twelve kings once held the Veil, which separated the realm of mortals from the realm of Jinn. Eleven kings of Jinn have fallen one by one, with only one left to hold the Veil, preventing the two realms from colliding and chaos from ensuing. The eleven kings are now trapped in rings scattered across the continent. Mina has one ring, and she must find the other golden rings of the Kings of Jinn and set them free.

Daughter of Light and Dark is a riveting desert fantasy that marks the launch of a new and addictive series. It's a wildly imaginative and fascinating story set in a crumbling world where a young girl struggles to find her place while facing terrifying creatures, unpredictable danger, and her own inner struggles and conflicts. Author Ahlam Faris enchants with her writing, immersive world-building, compelling cast of characters, slow-burn romance, and the intriguing mystery, magic, and perils that unfold. Ashrush, the Lord of Chains, really captured my attention and heart from the first pages. This expertly plotted page-turner will leave readers hungry for the next installment.