Dawn Patrol (Volume One)

Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
124 Pages
Reviewed on 06/24/2024
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Author Biography

Julie-ann Nydegger is the author of "Dawn Patrol" the full-length novel and the author/illustrator of "Dawn Patrol Volume One," the graphic novel series.

Dawn Patrol was inspired by many dreams and nightmares, along with a 25 yr career in aviation as a flight instructor, corporate/charter pilot, and safety inspector.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Bruce Arrington for Readers' Favorite

Dawn Patrol (Volume One) by Julie-Ann Nydegger is a graphic novel about a future sci-fi scenario where an evil doctor schemes ways in which to place a human consciousness into a machine and then use it for nefarious purposes. Here we have a victim (Captain Campion), and an academy recruit (Matt Curtis) who must work together to turn the doctor’s schemes on its head. First, the artwork is nothing short of superb, especially when I learned this was all drawn by hand. The detail is incredible and this is definitely art (I taught art for 16 years, so I should know)! The amount of work put into this book must have been massive. But I see the value in having done it this way. Second, the humor is engaging, full, and quite entertaining. It enhances the dimensions of the characters so they aren’t at all just two-sided.

My favorite part of this book is where the young recruit essentially has to unlearn many things, and quickly, to be able to fly this new tech plane. It builds on the relationship between a detached consciousness and a pilot and forces them to trust one another with their lives. There is a lot of technical information too, so that should satisfy the real pilots out there. There is more to come as this book reflects only a couple of chapters of her literary novel. I cannot say enough about this book, and I eagerly look forward to the next installment. Dawn Patrol (Volume One) by Julie-Ann Nydegger is a highly recommended read.