Dead Egyptians

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
372 Pages
Reviewed on 09/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

Dead Egyptians by Del Blackwater is an intriguing story in a blend of history and fiction. Albion Stanley has been fascinated by Egypt since childhood. Unknown to him, he has an ancient tie to this land. As an adult, he is irresistibly drawn back, getting a chance to fully immerse himself in its culture and mysteries. This move leads to a momentous discovery of his legacy, a discovery that sets the course for his future. With the help of an unlikely group of friends, Albion embarks on a quest to preserve the ancient treasures, heritage, and culture of Egypt. Amidst this, Albion encounters his true love, a companion bound to him through eternity.

In Dead Egyptians, Del Blackwater explores the themes of identity, destiny, and the delicate balance of preserving history while uncovering its secrets. I enjoyed witnessing Albion’s personal growth from his return to Egypt as an adult to the discovery of his capabilities and destiny, and the newfound confidence that love instills in him. The story features a compelling cast of characters who play pivotal roles in Albion’s journey, assisting him in unraveling the challenges of both past and present. His eternal love serves as an emotional anchor, fuelling his confidence and providing a source of ancient wisdom and truths. Blackwater combined historical facts, ancient Egyptian religion, and culture into an educative yet captivating narrative from beginning to end. I appreciated the ancient tenets embedded in the narrative and felt they remain relevant even in modern times.