Deadly Repercussions

Fiction - Suspense
391 Pages
Reviewed on 11/19/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Deadly Repercussions by Karen Black is a crime thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the moment you start reading it. The narrative centers on three Velasquez family members and how death followed them everywhere they went. At the age of 14, Juan Velasquez started working as an informant for an ATF border agent, and he rapidly rose to the rank of agent. He made many friends and far too many enemies because of his exceptional work ethic and natural talent. One such enemy killed his wife and changed the life of his family forever. His valor and tenacity were passed down to his granddaughter, Elaina, who was just as observant as he was. When tragedy struck the family and secrets were revealed, it was Elaina who raced against time to uncover the truth before it was too late.

Karen Black created a captivating story that had me hooked until the end. I loved how the story followed Juan, Elizabeth, Marty, and then Elaina as they all navigated their lives and went through difficult times in their own way. Juan and Elaina were bold; they looked danger in the eye and challenged it. Elizabeth was calculating, while Marty was very sharp. Their personalities shone when they were in danger, and I loved how the author highlighted the best in each of her characters. The plot was intricate, thanks to the multiple POVs and different storylines. The character development coincided with the development of the plot, which was fantastic for me. It was exciting. I absolutely loved how the chapters were short and fast-paced. I was never bored or felt the story dragged. I felt the author did justice to this action-packed story. I got a sense of satisfaction as the story finished! Deadly Repercussions is highly recommended.

Chinazo Anozie

Deadly Repercussions by Karen Black is an action novel that follows Juan Velasquez. After losing his dad to a home shooting at 14, Juan was no stranger to violence and vowed to be a provider and protector of his future family. Married at 16 to the love of his life, he did his utmost to keep this promise despite multiple tragedies. The news of a possible snitch within the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, where his son-in-law works, has caught his attention, especially since it means his family is now in danger. After being persistently targeted, Juan will stop at nothing to protect his granddaughter, Elaina, and see that justice is served—on his terms.

Deadly Repercussions is a slow burner, but it gets your blood pumping and heart racing when it picks up. It got to a point where I was reluctant to put it down. My favorite character was Juan, and I loved how responsible he was for his family as they grew and expanded. It was beautiful watching him grow from a teenage orphan to being a father and a grandfather whose family could always count on him, no matter what. The action sequences were so detailed and intense that it was incredibly easy to visualize them. I got so immersed in them that it felt like I was watching scenes from an action movie. I had a few guesses on who the snitch in the Bureau was, but Karen Black still managed to surprise and impress me with the final revelation.

Alma Boucher

Deadly Repercussions is a suspense thriller by Karen Black. After his father's passing, Juan Velasques stayed in Mexico and learned how to survive. Juan worked as an informant for Diego Martinez, an ATF border agent. Martinez later appointed Juan as an ATF agent. Juan was a trusted member of his community with no gang affiliations and a reputation for discretion. Juan is referred to as 'Chameleon' for his thorough understanding of the desert and his aptitude for disguising himself as a border patrol agent. When Juan loses his beloved wife just before retiring, he teaches his daughter Elizabeth how to survive. Elizabeth married a man who was quite similar to her father, and together they teach their daughter Elaina how to survive in their environment in case something terrible happens.

Deadly Repercussions is a beautifully written story over three generations. The story starts with Juan’s marriage and his wife’s passing and then changes to his daughter’s and granddaughter’s lives. Every generation is marked by tragedy, and they are all related. Karen Black took me on a roller coaster ride of murder, loyalty, deception, and betrayal. I was kept guessing until the very end, and the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next. The characters were authentic and relatable. Juan is a skilled agent with a strong connection to the task at hand. The story flows smoothly, and I was captivated until the satisfying ending because of the unexpected turn in the story.