Death by Pins and Needles

Holly Swimsuit Mystery Book 2

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
231 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Death by Pins and Needles by Susie Black is the second book in the Holly Swimsuit Mystery series. Holly thought the most she’d have to deal with was her competitor Lissa’s nasty attitude. This changes when she finds Lissa's body nailed to the back of a closet. Suddenly, she takes back everything she thought about Lissa but before she can process who the killer might be, the cops have already decided on a suspect: one of her colleagues. Holly knows her friend isn’t capable of something so grotesque but her only option is to use her innate skill to uncover clues and chase down the actual killer. But the closer she gets to the truth, the more apparent the killer’s thirst for revenge becomes, which places Holly in danger as she works to stay a step ahead before someone else ends up dead.

The writing style perfectly captures Holly’s personality as it genuinely feels like you’re reading the story in her voice. This is cleverly done through the first-person narrative that draws you into her mindset with unique word choices and attitude. The structure allows you to get to know Holly and makes it feel like you’re accompanying her on sleuthing antics that are equally dangerous and humorous. Susie Black has a gift with language which is seen in the uniqueness of Holly’s voice and the dialogue of the other characters. This helps to craft each as individuals which creates an assortment of personalities to play off Holly. The author does a clever job of setting up Holly’s feelings toward Lissa. These help you quickly get a clear understanding of who the victim is before she dies and help to suss out the motive. The stakes are high as Holly finds herself in the crosshairs of a killer’s agenda. The story is fast-paced which drives the suspense and action of the mystery, successfully keeping you engaged and turning the pages until you find answers. Perfect for all mystery lovers, Death by Pins and Needles is a delightful read that is humorous, charming, and entertaining.