Death of a Blue Jay

The Path to Bring the Darkness to the Light

Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
438 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Death of a Blue Jay: The Path to Bring the Darkness to the Light by Nicholas D'Souza is a Christian science fiction novel with a psychological twist. Set in a post-pandemic world, our story follows Jeremy, a state-wide, best-seller poetry book author, happily married man to Emme, and father to their son Leon. He had a great family life, and his professional life was doing well before everything suddenly changed. Before he knew it, Jeremy’s life was not the same. One terrible night, Jeremy found himself stranded in a supernatural world. To get out and finally be free to walk home, all he had to do was look into his past, accept it, and fight off evil spirits before it was too late. Getting back wouldn’t be easy, but that is all Jeremy has on his mind. Can he do what it takes? Or will he refuse to accept his past, reflect on his faith, and find his way back home?

What a fun, exciting ride it was! Death of a Blue Jay by Nicholas D'Souza was an engaging, entertaining, and mesmerizing science fiction novel with themes of religious faith and psychological twists. I loved Jeremy’s character and how he reacted to the tragedy that happened in his life. The story was interesting, the narrative was great, and the character development was fantastic. There was never a dull moment in the book. From the moment the story began, I was intrigued. The world-building was believable, the supernatural elements were good, and Jeremy’s reactions were interesting. I enjoyed how he handled the tragedy in his life first, and then how he looked for his way back home as he got in touch with his faith and spirituality. I enjoyed the ups and downs he went through, I loved how he got hold of himself, and I enjoyed how he embraced the change (and the past). I highly, highly recommend this book!