Death Watch Beetle

A Historical Post WWII Spy Thriller

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
495 Pages
Reviewed on 09/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Set against the backdrop of post-WWII Europe, Death Watch Beetle is a gripping spy thriller that intertwines personal conflict with historical intrigue. David E. Huntley crafts a compelling narrative that follows Donald Harvey, a British engineering executive enlisted by the CIA and MI6 to track down Hans Kammler, a notorious Nazi war criminal. This setup serves as a thrilling chase across three continents and dives deep into the moral quandaries of wartime complicity and personal redemption. Harvey is a character torn between duty and conscience, struggling with the disturbing realities of Kammler’s past and his motivations.

The novel’s psychological depth adds tension, elevating the narrative beyond a simple spy story. As Harvey delves deeper into Kammler’s shadowy network, the stakes rise, especially when the brutal murder of Alijca Kozlowski's uncle, the woman he loves, forces him to confront the human costs of his mission. The brisk pacing and world-building are so well done that it’s hard to stop reading. Death Watch Beetle is a masterfully crafted tale that balances suspense, historical reflection, and character-driven storytelling. Huntley’s ability to weave these elements together makes it a must-read for fans of historical fiction and spy thrillers. As a veteran of WWII, Huntley has penned a story that feels so realistic that you’ll feel you are a part of it. The end of the story contains veterans’ names and some information about each one. If you’re looking for a book that will keep you turning pages while prompting more profound thoughts about history and ethics, Death Watch Beetle should be on your list!