Deep Cover

The Unknowing Agent

Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
181 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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Author Biography

Jeffrey Jay Levin grew up in Chicago, Illinois and, after pestering his wife for 25 years or so, successfully convinced her to move to Northern Arizona, where they currently reside. Jay, as he's known to his friends, spends some time working as a commercial real estate lawyer, and writes whenever he can. He's still working on his customized 1976 Corvette, but is hopeful to have it completed by the time his next book is published. In the meantime, he's keeping busy and, mostly, out of trouble.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

In Deep Cover by Jeffrey Jay Levin, Stephan Beck attends a reunion with his girlfriend Lisa Jones, and her friends. Lisa and Jennifer Turner secure funding for their genetic research, but then receive trance-inducing calls with cryptic Russian messages. As the machinations of politics tick away in Washington, the mysterious calls leave Lisa feeling exhausted and seeking isolation. Stephan shares a discovery with Lisa, connecting to the deciphering of mysterious recordings. Lt. Fowler investigates a computer breach involving someone close to Stephan, leading to concerns about his safety when it is discovered. When transferred, Lisa's deep-cover spy status and mission to carry out a scientific assassination are revealed to Stephan by Director Ferguson at Homeland Security, triggering shock that is ultimately overridden by the urgency of saving Lisa and stopping Russian operatives.

What happens when a person is so covertly manipulated that they do not even know they have become a spy? Not in the way someone is blinded by love to the truth, a la Martha Hanson in The Americans, but on a truly biological level. Well, we get the spectacular Lisa Jones effect in Deep Cover by Jeffrey Jay Levin. The star of this story is actually Stephan Beck, and he's the imperfectly perfect hero that every story must have, and Levin gets him right. He comes across as authentic; he experiences emotional turmoil, and we later see guilt, and he feels deeply human. Levin paints Lisa in a light that allows us to freely vacillate between empathy and distrust. Her evolution is thrilling because we are shown a woman who is brilliantly disconnected from her subjective experience of reality and the objective truth of her experiences, which raises questions about the reliability of her perceptions. Between the suspense and thrills, cool prose, and an engrossing storyline, Deep Cover is a win. Very highly recommended.