Dilly Duck Saves The Day

Helping Friends and Caring for Nature

Children - Picture Book
34 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Dilly Duck Saves the Day by Holly DiBella-McCarthy is a charming picture book combining a fun adventure with an important lesson about environmental stewardship. In this third installment of the Dilly Duck and Friends series, Dilly Duck faces a severe problem when her feathered friends get sick from eating bread left by well-meaning visitors. The story is not just about a duck trying to clean up a lake but also about teamwork, asking for help, and the ripple effect that one small act of kindness can have.

Dilly Duck Saves the Day teaches an essential lesson about the harm bread can cause ducks. Children (and adults) need to understand that ducks forage for their food naturally. Dilly is a lovable character, and her determination to help her friends is inspiring and heartwarming. Park ranger Roy adds humor with his quirky personality, making the story even more enjoyable. The vibrant illustrations by Pradyut and Pratyush Chatterjee are full of life, perfectly complementing the soothing, rhyming narrative. Children will be captivated by the colorful pages, and the gentle rhythm of the text makes it an ideal read-aloud book. Holly DiBella-McCarthy perfectly blends fun and education into a book that should be in every elementary classroom. The concept of environmental care is skillfully crafted into a delightful read. It's a story that will leave a lasting impression on young minds, teaching them that even small actions can make a big difference in the world. Dilly Duck Saves the Day is an excellent addition to a child’s bookshelf. I highly recommend it.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

The ducks are all sick at the lake. They’ve been eating the bread thrown into the water by people who love to feed the ducks and think it’s okay to give them bread. But it’s not. In Holly DiBella-McCarthy’s Dilly Duck Saves The Day, readers will learn how toxic this bread really is. Dilly Duck wants to fix the problem, but what can she do? She asks Billy Beaver and Doodle Duck (who’s clever enough not to eat the bread), but they can’t help. So Dilly Duck goes in search of Roy the park ranger and he comes up with a plan.

Holly DiBella-McCarthy’s picture book, Dilly Duck Saves The Day: Helping Friends and Caring for Nature, is an engaging little story to teach young readers how to care for creatures in nature, especially ducks. Told in rhyming verse, this lyrical treasure will warm the hearts of youngsters as they follow Dilly Duck’s adventure in solving a simple problem. The illustrations are bright, bold, and colorful and add a little zest to the story. The language is simple to help young readers follow along and improve their reading skills. Young readers will also learn about environmental awareness like keeping the waterways clean for wildlife, the value of friendship, and the importance of working together to solve even the simplest of problems. The end of the book includes some interactive activities for young readers to learn more by sharing ideas with caregivers and teachers. Beautifully told and illustrated.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

Dilly Duck Saves The Day by Holly DiBella-McCarthy is a kids' picture book about 'Helping Friends and Caring for Nature.' Dilly loves her lake and has fun playing on it with her friends. But one day, they all struggle to get to shore and huddle together, ill from eating the bread fed to them by well-meaning visitors. Bread is bad for ducks, they all knew that, but still they ate it. Dilly needs to do something quickly, so she sets about getting help from others to clean up the lake. Along the way, Dilly and her friends teach readers some valuable environmental lessons.

Dilly Duck Saves the Day by Holly DiBella-Macarthy has some amazing illustrations by Pradyut and Pratyush Chatterjee. This is a fun children’s book that offers plenty of helpful advice to readers, teaching the importance of looking after the environment. It also brings messages of pulling together when the need arises, of facing challenges with the help of friends and good old-fashioned teamwork. It is written in rhyme and has a lovely cast of characters from Dilly to all her duck friends, the beaver, and the park ranger. This story is perfect for kids to read at home or in school and provides a strong message about caring for the world and one another. At the end of the book, kids and parents will find a question sheet – just to test how much notice readers actually took - and a helpful sheet on how to keep birdlife safe and the waterways clean. Lovely book, and highly recommended for kids everywhere.