Discovery of Geminus

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
575 Pages
Reviewed on 08/27/2024
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Author Biography

Neil Orint is a lifelong writer who has won accolades in fiction and technical writing. His work appears in publications such as the Northwest Independent Writers Association anthologies, and his short story Private Dancer was honored as a Finalist by the Pacific Northwest Writers Association in 2017. He has also received recognition from the Society for Technical Communication, winning Best of Show and Distinguished Writing awards. Neil holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Washington State University and a Master of Science in Project Management from City University in Seattle.
Growing up on Vashon Island in Puget Sound, Neil spent his childhood exploring the beaches, enchanted forests, and mountains of the Pacific Northwest. He has also taken extended excursions to Argentina, where his mother is from. You’ll often find Neil hiking with his two sons in the Cascade and Olympic mountain ranges, gardening, or enjoying a good book at home with his cats.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Discovery of Geminus by Neil Orint is an all-age fantasy that revolves around fifteen-year-old Henry Brooks, who discovers Geminus, a magical twin world to Earth, in a vision. He travels there with his friends Kate, Max, and his dog Rocky, but accidentally reveals its secrets to Marcus, a manipulative boy who disrupts Geminus by introducing Earth's weapons. Meanwhile, the conquistador Gonzalo Pizzaro, who has lived over 400 years due to the Fountain of Eternal Youth, plots to conquer Geminus and Earth. Henry, feeling responsible for the ensuing chaos, sets out to fix his mistake. He becomes an apprentice to the shaman Father Antonio and learns from mystical creatures. With his friends, Henry faces challenges and uses his new powers to save both worlds from destruction.

Neil Orint's Discovery of Geminus is a wild adventure that is suitable for readers of all ages. It is of considerable length, but the novel's brisk pacing ensures that the pages fly by whilst we follow Henry and his friends. Orint has created a fascinating backdrop between Earth and Geminus that is chockablock with richly detailed settings, coupled with a natural combination of dialogue and narrative that pulls readers into his immersive worlds effortlessly. The interactions between characters, the blend of historical and fantastical elements, and the transitions between the angst brought by Pizzaro and the wonder of Geminus could entertain me, whose age I will not disclose, and my pre-teen daughter. Anyone who knows my children also knows what a remarkable achievement that is. I do hope for more, which is a not-so-subtle hint that this work deserves to be a series.

Asher Syed

In the fantasy epic Discovery of Geminus by Neil Orint, a teen named Henry discovers a magical portal that leads him to Geminus, a parallel world. In Geminus with his friends Kate and Max, he explores an ancient market, meets a telepathic sasquatch, and makes a new friend. Henry learns that the conquistadors, led by Pizarro, have found the Fountain of Eternal Life and are threatening the world. Marcus, who habitually annoys Henry on Earth, allies with the conquistadors, complicating the group’s efforts to protect Geminus. The conquistadors destroy the tunnel connecting Geminus to Earth, forcing Henry and his friends to seek refuge in the safe haven of Union, where they make a powerful ally in Father Antonio. As they deal with Marcus’s betrayal and the conquistadors’ threats, they face both magical and real-world challenges, balancing their quest to safeguard Geminus—and themselves—in a fight against perils both inside and out.

Neil Orint comfortably blends a fantasy story with a little bit of steampunk and a lot of messages that lean into environmental responsibility in Discovery of Geminus, and by piecing this together we get a novel worth the investment of our time. I like that he starts small, with a special tree having been cut down, and then slowly takes us into places like The Valley of Peace and the sasquatch Sarva, where Henry, and readers along with him, can actually see a serene environment and a future where humanity lives in harmony with nature, in unity and growth. We also see the horror of destruction through the lens of Kate and Tamino in Port Townsend and the threat of the sorcerer Seatcu, in addition to the madness of Marcus and Pizarro. It takes skill to have storylines that move on alternating paths and to still keep it tight and engrossing, but Orint does this. There's also Rocky, who I adore. This is an excellent book, and if I'm using one of Orint's own versions of light to describe its brilliance, I'd say it has “an aura that shimmered with energy.” Very highly recommended.

Essien Asian

Henry Brooks cannot put his finger on it, but he believes there is something unusual about the place he sees when riding on the swing hanging from an old maple tree close to his grandfather's farm. His friends Kate and Max suspect he has let his imagination run wild but change their minds when they discover a strange tunnel while hiking with Henry. The tunnel is a portal to a mysterious world known only as Geminus. The three friends become captivated by the place. Before they can truly enjoy what Geminus offers them, they are thrown into a conflict between factions rooted in a power struggle and ancient grudges, forcing them to navigate a complex web of alliances and betrayal in Neil Orint's Discovery Of Geminus.

The world-building is intricate in this fascinating novel; Neil Orint combines fabled creatures from folklore—like the Sasquatch and Yetis— with some of his best creations, such as the Bakwas, to bring this ethereal realm to life. He incorporates scientific concepts such as the multiverse into an adventure with a hint of fantasy in a unique yet believable world. Characters with compelling origin stories and intriguing motivations dominate the narrative. Henry persistently blames his indecisive actions as the principal reason Geminus is in peril, complementing his determination to restore order to the land by any means. The conversation flows smoothly, combining contemporary humor with striking expressions from the past. The steady pacing allows readers to immerse themselves in the narrative and identify the connections between the many hints Orint places in strategic locations, such as the connection between Geminus and the tragedy involving Henry's parents. The most fantastic aspect of Discovery of Geminus is how Orint's storytelling skillfully combines distinct subplots—in which Henry, Kate, and Max seek out their true purpose independently of one another—into a singular coming-of-age adventure that will appeal to fans of science fiction and fantasy. Discovery Of Geminus is a work of pure genius.

Liz Konkel

Discovery of Geminus by Neil Orint is an epic adventure that takes three friends and one dog into another world. Earth has a counterpart called Geminus, where everything is powered by magic and spirit, creating another reality that surprises Henry and his friends. When Henry first encounters the world through a vision, he doesn’t believe what he sees until he and his friends cross through mysterious tunnels. However, Henry quickly learns that he shouldn’t share the secret with just anyone after a neighbor takes advantage of the information and shares weapons with a dangerous conquistador. Gonzalo Pizzaro had one goal in his life: to find the Fountain of Youth. Now that he has been alive for centuries, he wants more power by conquering both worlds. Quickly his plans are set in motion which threatens the peaceful existence of Geminus’ residents. Henry sets out to stop the conquistador by studying under Father Antonio and the magical creatures who help him gain the power of the Spirit. He must stop Pizzaro before it’s too late.

Neil Orint uses the characters to quickly establish the setting with humorous perspectives that have them questioning if they’re encountering historical reenactments. The scenic descriptions are breathtaking and capture the adventure by layering the background with stunning details. Precise differences help keep the two worlds separate, specifically with Geminus containing magical creatures that give it an otherworldly presence compared to the ‘normalcy’ of Earth. Friendship is a prominent theme throughout that stems from the genuine connection between Henry, Max, and Kate with moments that show how they make each other stronger. While the story revolves mainly around Henry, each of his friends has an important journey with Max making a discovery and Kate finding her bravery. This allows them to easily be distinguished apart from each other with well-rounded characteristics and personalities. This also supports a minor theme where Henry must learn to choose his friends wisely, a mistake that proves to be costly in the story. Discovery of Geminus is a stunning adventure that weaves between two worlds with suspense, character-driven narratives, friendship, and a loyal dog named Rocky.

K.C. Finn

Discovery of Geminus by Neil Orint is an epic young adult fantasy about 15-year-old Henry Brooks, who discovers a twin world to Earth called Geminus, where spirit and magic reign. When Henry accidentally reveals Geminus's existence to a deceitful boy named Marcus, the delicate balance of power is shattered. Meanwhile, the ruthless conquistador Gonzalo Pizzaro, who discovered Geminus centuries ago, sets his plan to conquer both worlds in motion. To fix the chaos he helped create, Henry embarks on a quest, learning shamanic powers and forming alliances with mystical creatures to save both worlds.

Author Neil Orint weaves a richly imaginative tale that beautifully blends the wonder of a magical world with the urgency of a coming-of-age adventure. Taking on the typical trope of a parallel world is no mean feat when it’s been done so many times in YA fiction, but Orint’s vivid world-building brings Geminus to life with a huge amount of originality and new excitement. This brave new world is filled with mystical creatures and ancient secrets that captivate the reader from the first glimpses, and we see it all through Henry’s bright eyes with some very emotive narration. Orint’s characters are well-developed as realistic people that readers can totally get invested in, particularly Henry, whose journey from discovery to responsibility is both relatable and inspiring as he encounters people both good and bad and learns some very big lessons along the way. Overall, Discovery of Geminus is a compelling and meaningful epic fantasy that is sure to please fans of the genre, both in the YA reading audience and beyond.