Discreet Rear Entrance

Volume I

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
243 Pages
Reviewed on 05/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Discreet Rear Entrance: Volume I by Lou Powers is a hitman comedy. Jimmy Eyebrow is nothing but a common thief. His job working night shift at a laundromat led to his perverted specialty – stealing underwear – and it’s also where he met Joe Purple. Joe introduced Jimmy to a life of petty crime, which accidentally led him to the hit business. As things get out of control, Jimmy is not aware that he’s in someone else’s sights, someone who wants him out of the picture, but his problems might be even bigger than that. Is there someone closer to home who’s out to get him? As events come to a head, Jimmy realizes that life as he knew it is over, and there are only two ways this can end – with him dead or in prison. Or is there another way out? And who the heck is Joe Purple?

Discreet Rear Entrance by Lou Powers is one of the most hilarious crime capers you’ll ever read and is the first in a series. It’s not a long book, but it certainly packs in the action and is non-stop all the way through. It is for mature audiences, given the language and adult themes throughout the story. Powers has created some interesting and likable characters, all very well-developed, and by the end of the book, you’ll know exactly who they are and what they are all about. The story is unique and fun, not something you can usually say about stories revolving around hitmen, and I’m looking forward to reading Volume II. If you are looking for something completely different to read, something to take your attention away from real life for a while, I would highly recommend this story.