Do I Belong?

Children - Social Issues
43 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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Author Biography

Shani T. Night is an Award-Winning Children's Author with a passion for the written word that has spanned over 40 years. Born in Washington, DC, she resides in Maryland with her husband and three cherished children. Shani's writing journey is fueled by inspiration as she aspires to ignite the hearts of the younger generation. She sincerely hopes we will all let our light shine brightly, undimmed by life's challenges. Through her children's books, Shani seeks to empower young readers with the magic of words, encouraging them to discover the power of self-expression.

Shani is a Certified Happiness, Life, and Wellness Coach with a mission to help individuals live their happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling lives. She believes that true happiness comes from within and that we can transform our lives and achieve lasting well-being by making positive changes in our thoughts, behaviors, and lifestyles.

Join Shani on her incredible journey of storytelling and coaching, where words and wisdom combine to bring happiness and empowerment to both young and old alike. She aims to sprinkle the world with joy through her works and guidance, one heart at a time.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Shani T. Night's Do I Belong? follows the story of a young boy named Leo. He lives in a small, bustling town, and from the outside, nothing sets him apart from any other kid except for his round-framed glasses. They make him feel different from the other kids in school. Leo also has a hard time making friends and prefers to spend time at the library reading books on astronomy. This is where he meets Ava, a young girl who, like Leo, also loves anything to do with space, stars, and the planets. Soon, Leo, Ava, and a couple of other kids named Max and Emily start having stargazing get-togethers and form a club called "The Star Seekers." Leo realizes that through his passion for space, he has finally found friends who share his interests.

Every child is unique and wants to find their place in the world. Do I Belong? is an illustrated short story about a young boy just like that. Shani T. Night spins a wholesome yarn about newfound friendships that will bring joy to all young readers, especially to those who have ever felt a bit different than others. The author has poured a lot of good-natured charm and heart into this story. The characters are adorable, and Leo is bound to resonate with kids. I loved how Leo embraced his unique qualities and found others who shared a similar passion for space and the stars as himself. The digital illustrations add a distinct flavor to the story. All in all, this picture book will instill a love for space among young readers. Recommended to children below the age of ten.