Dragon of Denmark

Romance - Paranormal
322 Pages
Reviewed on 10/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Dragon of Denmark by Jennifer Ivy Walker is a paranormal romance that follows Skårde the Scourge, the illegitimate son of King Harald Bluetooth and a fierce Viking warlord, tasked with forging an alliance through marriage to Ylva, the illegitimate daughter of the Viking Duke of Normandy. Ylva, a Druid priestess with mystical abilities, foresees her terrifying union with Skårde. As political tensions rise and the Frankish king threatens Normandy, Skårde and Ylva must combine their strengths and ally with magical beings to defend their lands, blending history, Norse mythology, and passion in this thrilling romance. Walker offers a fantastic dive into Norse mythology for readers, creating a vivid and immersive world where magic and history blend seamlessly, enriching both the plot and the atmosphere at every turn with this highly original clash of genres.

The complex, fiery dynamic between Skårde and Ylva is skillfully developed, driving the romance with intensity and depth while exploring themes of power, duty, and trust. I was particularly captivated by Jennifer Ivy Walker's attention to the spiritual and mystical elements, especially Ylva's Druidic gifts and the use of Viking magic, which adds a rich, fantastical layer to the narrative, making the story truly enchanting. The action-packed scenes of battles and alliances are meticulously crafted, demonstrating Walker's ability to balance thrilling adventure with emotionally charged romance, making for a page-turning read. As I read, I found myself completely lost in the rich tapestry of Viking culture and Norse mythology, feeling as though I was right there alongside Skårde and Ylva, experiencing their struggles, passions, and triumphs in vivid detail. Overall, I highly recommend Dragon of Denmark to readers who enjoy historical romance with a paranormal twist, offering a unique blend of Viking lore, magic, and a passionate love story.

Miche Arendse

Dragon of Denmark by Jennifer Ivy Walker follows Ylva, the bastard daughter of Richard the Fearless, Duke of Normandy. Being an outcast in her home of Saint-Suliac due to her half-Nordic heritage, Ylva prays to her Goddess for a companion. Only she has no idea that the companion she will be met with is none other than a ruthless Viking known as the Dragon of Denmark. Skårde the Scourge knows nothing but the battlefield and yet he must now wed a Celtic witch in an arranged marriage. Will this union prove fruitful or will these two unlikely individuals bring nothing but misfortune to one another?

Dragon of Denmark by Jennifer Ivy Walker is a captivating romance novel that begins somewhat similar to an enemies-to-lover trope. I was absolutely captivated by this story from the very beginning in getting to know Ylva and everything she’s been through up until her relationship with Skårde. Another thing I thoroughly enjoyed was Walker’s writing style; she has such a beautiful way of bringing the world to life with her words, and the flow of every sentence into the next one allows you to just become engrossed in the story. When I started Dragon of Denmark, I couldn’t stop reading and would have to remind myself to take a break in between. The world-building was also brilliantly done and I like how Walker added bits of Celtic and Nordic culture, history, and mythology into the story. It made the characters and the setting all the more realistic and made it so easy to become invested in Ylva’s struggles. Overall, this book was such a wonderful read and is one of my new favorites. I look forward to more works from this author.

Lex Allen

A prearranged marriage between Skårde, a renowned Viking warlord and winner of the title Dragon of Denmark, and Ylva, a Druid priestess, Celtic healer, and the illegitimate daughter of Richard the Fearless, the Viking Duke of Normandy, sets the stage for an action-packed story supported by Viking and French historical details, paranormal fantasy, magic, fierce battles, and a dazzling romance. The research that must have gone into this fascinating tale is comprehensive and clearly defines the old writer's adage, "Write what you know." Author Jennifer Ivy Walker's career background and lifelong interests have provided the basis for numerous stories and novels that reveal what she knows and Dragon of Denmark is a brilliant example.

A valuable trait in fiction writing is the ability to weave verisimilitude (a sense of reality) into a wholly fictional tale that leaves the reader convinced of its authenticity, while understanding that it is, in fact, fiction. With a valid historical perspective, in-depth knowledge of Viking lore, a real talent for descriptive scene-setting without unnecessary word salad, and a truly amazing sense of characterization that includes dialog consistent with the times, Walker excels in bringing this fascinating world to life. Add to this expert veracity, imaginative creatures, magic, and a keen sense of romantic and societal norms of the time. Dragon of Denmark flows with a "can't turn the pages fast enough or put the book down" sense of a reader's delight that demands looking for and reading every other book Jennifer Ivy Walker has written or will write in the future.

Grant Leishman

Dragon of Denmark by Jennifer Ivy Walker is an action-packed, full-on Viking adventure and romance tale. Skårde the Scourge is one of the most feared of all Viking warriors. Covered in scars and battle wounds, he is the bastard son of the Danish King Harald Bluetooth. Despite his fearsome reputation, Skårde constantly seeks love and recognition from his father. Any claim to the Danish throne Skårde may have held has been usurped by his younger half-brother, King Harald’s legitimate son and heir. Ylva is a Druid priestess and Celtic healer, the illegitimate daughter of Richard the Fearless, the Viking Duke of Normandy. The marriage of Skårde to Ylva is seen as the perfect way of providing a powerful Viking presence on the fertile fields of Normandy. Ylva, despite having no desire to marry this Viking brute, the very people who conquered and destroyed her own Breton people, realizes that as a woman she has little choice and she must obey her father’s commands. What starts as a marriage of convenience quickly turns into a true love match. Skårde must defend their Normandy castle and lands from the Frankish king who is determined to wipe the Vikings off the face of the earth and consolidate Normandy into his kingdom.

Dragon of Denmark is one of those special reads that perfectly combines historical fact with Norse mythology, magic, and the paranormal. Author Jennifer Ivy Walker does such a convincing job of weaving these elements together that even the shapeshifting sorcerer Falcon and the magical Elven healing powers will not raise the reader’s eyebrows at all. The action is non-stop and readers will find themselves on a roller-coaster of emotions but there is still plenty of room in the narrative for gentle, sweet romance; not just for Ylva and Skårde but for several of the supporting players. The love scenes were incredibly sensual and steamy, yet never vulgar. I particularly enjoyed the contrasts between Skårde's and Ylvas’s religious beliefs; both were pagan but very different. I loved how they were able to incorporate both into their daily lives and especially how Skårde, the fearsome warrior, effortlessly transformed into a loving husband as soon as he arrived back at Château-fort and into the arms of his beloved Ylva. There is no shortage of fighting and action to keep the adrenaline junkies enthralled but what makes this story special is the quiet, domestic scenes woven in between the battles. I am thrilled that the author is already on the next story in the Valiant Vikings Series; Wolf of the Nordic Seas. I will certainly read that. I highly recommend this book.

Carol Thompson

Dragon of Denmark by Jennifer Ivy Walker is an immersive blend of romance, paranormal fantasy, and Norse mythology woven into a historical fiction backdrop that transports readers to the Viking era. The story centers around Skårde the Scourge, an illegitimate but powerful Viking warlord, and Ylva, the Druid daughter of Richard the Fearless. Both characters grapple with their fates in a world shaped by historical forces and mystical elements. The world-building is truly impeccable. Walker crafts a vivid and enthralling Viking world, rich with historical details that ground the reader in the era while blending in elements of magic, prophecy, and otherworldly beings.

From the fierce Viking raids to Normandy's regal, fortress-like settings, every environment feels meticulously constructed. The integration of Ljósálfar Light Elves, seiðr magic, and a shapeshifting vitki adds a fantastical depth to the historical framework, making the world come alive excitingly and imaginatively. The characters are deeply complex, especially Skårde, who struggles with the burden of his illegitimacy while fulfilling his role as the Dragon of Denmark. His inner conflict adds layers to his hard warlord exterior, making him more than just a Viking brute. Ylva, with her Celtic heritage and druidic powers, complements his ferocity with her own mystical strength, creating an engaging romantic dynamic between the two. The blend of action, romance, and paranormal elements keeps the story flowing at a captivating pace, never letting the reader's interest wane. Dragon of Denmark is a thrilling read for fans of both Viking lore and steamy historical romance, promising an engaging and exciting journey from start to finish. This is a novel you won't want to miss.