Dreaming On Purpose

A Manifesto for Black Women on Taking the Leap, Building Your Dreams, and Being Your Own Boss

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
196 Pages
Reviewed on 07/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Dreaming on Purpose by Ariane Hunter is an account of her life and achievements to inspire others. For one to achieve their maximum potential, they need to find their purpose. Purpose reveals who, what, and why we live our lives. Ariane started like most of us, following what was considered realistic by society, like going to school and getting employed. During her various employments, she experienced firsthand discrimination against black women in the corporate world. She had to struggle to be seen, and her contribution was rarely acknowledged. Eventually, she takes a leap of faith and becomes an entrepreneur, despite her fears and the inevitable hardships. Many people have dreams that they don't achieve due to various obstacles. People need to realize that entrepreneurship offers a way to grow our capacity to learn, lead, and become transformed. 

Dreaming on Purpose by Ariane Hunter is not just theory but offers practical steps toward self-reflection and improvement by knowing our purpose and not necessarily conforming to what many consider the right thing. By sharing her own experiences, Ariane made the book very relatable, and I believe it will resonate with many readers. This makes it very effective in passing on the intended message. She also went the extra mile to provide other resources for further reading, and I loved the specific guidelines provided at the end of each chapter on achieving various objectives. The book is also a wake-up call for those who believe equality has already been achieved in the workplace. I look forward to reading something else by Ariane.