Earthly Vessels

The Isaak Collection

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
354 Pages
Reviewed on 09/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Liz Konkel for Readers' Favorite

Earthly Vessels by David T. Isaak is a charming, fast-paced, and original story that will hook you from the start. Thirty-year-old Arby is not exactly what you picture when you think about a Chosen One. A metaphysical mix-up leads to an interesting turn of events when instead of a long-foretold deity, there’s Arby. When his unorthodox energy draws the wrong crowd to him, he must quickly assess each one’s motivation and how to stay a step ahead of them. Some believe he’ll become more powerful than them, but surely Arby isn’t capable of that kind of power? Then he meets the lovely Elaina who -- along with mysterious new allies -- helps him understand his abilities as well as how to transcend the ethereal planes of existence. This makes it so that even with his skepticism he can unlock hidden depths in himself and power that may be the only way to stop a dangerous enemy bent on destroying everything he cares about.

David T. Isaak's writing style is conversational, as if a story is being told directly to you. Humor is woven throughout, pairing well with the quirky nature of the characters. The various themes touch upon metaphysical planes, out-of-body experiences, and a unique hero’s journey. The beginning introduces Arby’s mother and then jumps forward to him as an adult, which gives you the circumstances of his conception before ever meeting him. This allows you to understand why he has such an unorthodox energy and sets up his perspective. His relationship with his mother is an important part of the story with conflict over his choices but balanced by heart and genuine understanding between them. The writing explores Arby with subtlety through a tug-a-war between his unorthodox upbringing and the role he has taken for himself to belong in society. This makes him an unlikely hero that you want to watch and root for as events often spiral out of control around him. The lovely Elaina is a highlight in the story as her partnership with him is funny and filled with great chemistry that helps push his journey forward. Earthly Vessels is equally engaging and entertaining with a highly original premise, quirky characters, and witty dialogue.