Ebony and Her Crown

An inspirational poem about positive self-image

Children - Picture Book
42 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2022
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Author Biography

Nicole Marshall is an award-winning author and a passionate storyteller specializing in writing educational content aimed at instilling positive values, lessons of self-love, and positive affirmations in young readers from an early age. A graduate of Georgia State University with a major in Psychology, Nicole draws on her deep understanding of the human mind to create stories that resonate deeply with children and support their emotional development.

With a growing portfolio of projects, Nicole has written and self-published three books: Little Nikki: Her Journey to Self-Love, Ebony and Her Crown, and The Tales of Toby and Milo. Her work has received widespread acclaim, with two of her books earning the prestigious Story Monster Book Awards and all three being honored with 5-star reviews on Readers' Favorite. Nicole is widely complimented for her exceptional skill in telling simple, child-friendly stories in a heart-warming, non-patronizing way. Beyond her writing endeavors, Nicole finds inspiration in photography, singing, cooking, and activities that further fuel her creativity and passion for life. Through her heartfelt narratives and relatable characters, Nicole Marshall continues to be a positive role model for young kids, nurturing their growth and laying a strong foundation for their future.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Erin Nicole Cochran for Readers' Favorite

Ebony and Her Crown by Nicole Marshall is an inspirational and educational children’s picture book that is delivered in a poetic rhyming style. The narrative is strong, realistic in terms of dialogue, and informative in a way that all nationalities will be able to learn from it. The illustrations are stunning in their details and showcase Ebony’s large crown in a way that feels so realistic. Ebony’s spunky personality is completely embodied in the illustrations created by Sekar Azahra. The images are fun, and bright, and take your eyes on a trip to a beautiful world, and a beautiful moment experienced between Ebony and her mother.

Nicole Marshall’s Ebony and Her Crown is a children’s picture book that I will not forget soon. There are too many picture books that are devoid of “real messages” and this is one of those rare books that speaks volumes about different cultures and how to acknowledge them as well as be respectful of them. This book is a glimpse into one little girl’s life and how she feels about her hair in the beginning as opposed to at the end. It is a children’s picture book that in my mind should be on the shelf or the iPad in every preschool or kindergarten class, as a way to keep all children informed on how we should respect everyone around us. This is a book for all ages.