Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons

Ellie's Baby Brother

Children - Grade K-3rd
34 Pages
Reviewed on 09/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Everyone struggles with emotions at some point in their lives. Joseph Goodrich’s Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons shares Ellie’s struggles as she prepares to meet her new baby brother. With the help of her emotional dragons, Ellie finds her emotions easier to handle. The four dragons are Nali, the blue dragon that comforts; Naz, the green dragon that helps with fear; Hani, the orange dragon that loves to laugh; and Tully, the red dragon that calms anger. Your child will love Ellie’s adventure and learn how to handle four of the basic emotions we all have. Too often, parents forget that having a new baby can be very disorientating to a child, and they may experience many different emotions. This book helps parents understand that what their child feels is normal and gives ways to help the child handle their emotions.

As a family counselor for over forty years, I witnessed firsthand the trauma that even happy events can cause a child. One such disturbing event is the birth of a new sibling. In Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons, Joseph Goodrich shares ways that children can handle their emotions to function properly. Using imaginary friends, Joseph teaches that emotions may be difficult but not impossible to handle. Children will enjoy the illustrations and the friendly dragons while learning valuable life lessons. Parents can use this book to discuss ways to handle fear, sadness, happiness, and anger. Discussions on these four emotions can go far in helping children understand how emotions affect them and what to do about them. I highly recommend this book to all children about to become a big sister or brother. This book would be in my waiting room if I were still doing family counseling.

Carol Thompson

Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons: Ellie's Baby Brother by Joseph Goodrich is the third book in the series. Goodrich takes young readers on a colorful emotional journey with Ellie as she welcomes her new baby brother. This heartfelt story is not just a tale but a mirror reflecting the emotions of children in grades K-3, especially those experiencing similar feelings about a new addition to their family. Ellie, the protagonist, has four tiny magical dragons—Hani, Nali, Naz, and Tully—each representing a different emotion: happiness, sadness, fear, and anger. These dragons help Ellie navigate her complex emotions as she meets her baby brother for the first time. Goodrich thoughtfully addresses the ups and downs of such a significant change, teaching young readers how to manage their feelings constructively.

The bright and colorful illustrations by Alex Nimurad bring the story to life, making the dragons’ personalities pop off the pages. The vibrant artwork captures Ellie's emotional journey and adds depth to the magical world where each dragon’s unique color and expression perfectly match its associated emotion. These visually striking illustrations help young readers connect with the story, making it both engaging and educational. Parents and caregivers will enjoy how Joseph Goodrich explains hospitals so youngsters won’t fear them. The story teaches that new mothers and babies may get more attention, but it doesn’t mean the older child is loved any less. Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons is a beautiful read for children adjusting to family changes, offering them reassurance and practical ways to understand and express their feelings.

Bruce Arrington

Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons: Ellie's Baby Brother by Joseph Goodrich is a social-emotional book for children who are learning to understand and manage the various emotions that come with each day’s events. In this story, Ellie is an elephant with four tiny dragons who appear in her emotional states of happy, sad, scared, and mad. Their job is to bring comfort and guidance during those different and powerful mood swings. She starts her day looking forward to meeting her new baby brother, triggering her happy mood. So out pops the dragon Hani, who asks why she is so happy, and Ellie gives the reason. The story progresses through different ups and downs, and we see how Ellie's emotions play out throughout the book. We see how the dragons offer comfort and advice, helping Ellie reflect on how she is responding to things outside of her control.

A book like this is a valuable tool that allows children to look at an example of someone else learning to control and manage the emotions that seemingly pop out of them for no reason. But when they discover there are real reasons for those real feelings, they can identify with Ellie the elephant, and can also begin to work on managing their own emotions. With careful guidance from adults, children with emotional struggles can learn all sorts of tips and tricks they can use to control what wants to erupt from all of us. Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons: Ellie's Baby Brother by Joseph Goodrich is sure to be an indispensable resource for those looking to help kids and their emotions. Highly recommended.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons: Ellie’s Baby Brother by Joseph Goodrich is a children’s concept picture book. Ellie is meeting her new baby brother for the first time and it’s brought out lots of emotions in her. She has four magical dragons that appear depending on her emotions: Nali, the blue dragon, for sadness; Naz, the green dragon, for fear; Hani, the orange dragon, for happiness; and Tully, the red dragon, for when she is mad. Today all four dragons will appear to help Ellie cope with the overwhelming emotions of seeing her mom again and welcoming her new baby brother. Can they help her understand why she feels the way she does?

Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons is a cute story by Joseph Goodrich and is the third in the Emotional Dragons series. Having emotional dragons is a wonderful idea and we could probably all do with some! This is a wonderful way of teaching children how to understand different emotions they might feel, what causes them, and how to manage them. The illustrations by Alex Nimurad are colorful and amazing and help children understand and follow the story more easily. The characters are easy for children to relate to, especially Ellie, as all kids feel emotions they struggle to deal with. Books that have a good story, teach children important lessons, and help them through their struggles are invaluable, and this one is no exception. This is the ideal book for reading classes at school and children will want it read over and again. A lovely story, and highly recommended for parents and teachers everywhere.

Mimie Odigwe

Ellie and her Emotional Dragons: Ellie’s Baby Brother is written by Joseph Goodrich and illustrated by Alex Nimurad. Ellie has four dragons that come from her backpack and closet whenever she feels happy, sad, scared, or angry. Nali, the blue dragon, comforts sad Ellie. Naz, the green dragon, is there for nervous Ellie, orange Hani for joy and happiness, and red Tully to help calm angry Ellie. When Ellie and her dad prepare to meet her mom and baby brother in the hospital, her feelings become overwhelming. Can her dragons guide her before her emotions ruin the day?

Alex Nimurad created vibrant and stunning illustrations, making the entire book colorful. I love how the visuals and Ellie’s speech change depending on Ellie’s mood and which dragon is about to appear next. The choice of words is simple and easy to follow. Joseph Goodrich gives lifelong advice to children through this book. We always need a caring friend to help us with intense emotions, like Ellie has her four dragons. Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons give children tips on what to do no matter their feelings. Happy? Dance. Do you feel sad? Do something you love. Are you scared? Speak and stand up to your fears. Angry? Take deep breaths. And lastly, nothing beats a big, warm hug. Reading and applying the tips in this book with kids will visually simulate them and lead to emotional intelligence in children. Ellie and Her Emotional Dragons is ideal for children aged 3-7.