First Coloring Book for Toddlers Ages 1-3

Children - Preschool
114 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

First Coloring Book for Toddlers Ages 1-3 by Ricardo Demi is filled with fun and stunning pictures that will capture the imagination of any young child. Designed to ignite creativity in young children, the book offers simple, engaging images perfect for toddlers and slightly older kids. Each picture is thoughtfully placed in the center of the page, and features bold and curved outlines, helping little ones color within the boundaries. Additionally, the text below each image can be colored, providing an extra layer of creativity. This will keep youngsters busy as they bring each adorable picture to life.

In First Coloring Book for Toddlers Ages 1-3, Ricardo Demi keeps it simple with clear, large pictures on each page. I loved the designs and lines that help kids in this age range easily identify and connect with the pictures catering to their developmental needs. The central placement of the images on each page ensures ease of access for both left and right-handed users. Demi includes enough pictures, creating variety and a way for children to practice and learn. This also serves as a progress tool to show the child’s abilities as they work through the book. The main theme in Demi’s book is everyday objects and familiar characters that they have come across. I appreciate that the images cater to the different interests that any child might have. Ultimately, this book is educative and helps the child improve their reading and motor skills while building confidence for their next growth stage.