For Home and Hearth

Fiction - Dystopia
308 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2024
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Author Biography

Ethan Warrener grew up in Southwest Missouri. If he’s not writing or teaching, he’s spending any extra free time with his wife and kids or playing too many video games. As you might expect from a Midwesterner, he’s an occasional farmer, a regular churchgoer, and a huge metalhead.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Willam Haines for Readers' Favorite

So many novels struggle to tell these kinds of tales, the grim and the grime of their characters. For Home and Hearth by Ethan Warrener is a compelling novel that follows the life of Omar Bradley, a drifter who becomes a part of the Tucker clan, people that live in isolation but are often attacked by what is described as human-pigmen hybrids. The Tuckers are apprehensive of Omar’s presence, but he accepts them as his comrades after making efforts to fight for his people. The problems confronting the Tuckers are internal and external conflict such as competition for territories with other clans as well as ethical issues involving the use of new technologies such as smokeless gunpowder. The themes of leadership, democracy, the importance of family, and the problem of racism are also discussed, revolving around Omar, who transforms from an outsider to an unwilling hero. The story also touches on themes of arrogance in using science and the consequences of it.

Ethan Warrener's novel is a suspenseful, thrilling work with conflict not only within the protagonist’s conscience but also in physical confrontations. There is no complexity in the choice of words, and the novel is presented in a captivating manner. Certain characters like Ella and Omar portray realistic individuals, and their problems are societal challenges. The book touches on current social issues such as race relations, forgiveness, and survival without a hint of preachiness. The alternating of action and contemplation is achieved with great finesse, which makes the book not only fun to read but also mentally stimulating. In my opinion, the style of writing is simple and comprehensible. Readers will be absorbed in For Home and Hearth and can learn while reading science fiction that unveils both the virtues and vices of humans. Overall, this is a very entertaining story that offers profound reflections about humanity along with intense action.