Forever Boy

Young Adult - Paranormal
296 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Forever Boy by Michael J. Bowler is an engaging and imaginative tale that quickly immerses the reader into a mysterious world. It opens with Isaac meeting a strange boy named Drágan, whose unique presence and peculiarities hint at something beyond the ordinary. The storytelling feels effortless, blending elements of fantasy and realism through the unlikely bond between these two teenage boys. Bowler creates an air of intrigue around Drágan with his old-fashioned attire, polite mannerisms, and cryptic background, which makes the reader eager to uncover his secrets. The story falls into the young adult fantasy genre with elements of paranormal mystery.

The early chapters create a charming dynamic between Isaac’s modern-day sensibilities and Drágan’s almost timeless character. Michael J. Bowler captures the awkwardness of adolescence, making Isaac’s struggles relatable while introducing a dash of supernatural mystery. Drágan’s enigmatic personality, combined with Bowler’s descriptive and engaging writing, keeps the plot flowing smoothly. What stands out is how the author successfully builds tension, leaving small clues that Drágan is much more than he seems. This sense of wonder and curiosity is sustained through crisp dialogue and attention to detail, creating a compelling narrative that promises an exciting adventure. Forever Boy starts strong, offering readers a mix of coming-of-age themes with a supernatural twist. The book also touches on friendship, personal growth, and adventure, making it a blend of fantasy and realism. It’s a story both young adults and adults will enjoy. I highly recommend it and look forward to the next book in this promising series.