Four Months in Brighton Park

Growing Up in the Sixties

Fiction - Drama
252 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Eric Ferrar for Readers' Favorite

Four Months in Brighton Park by Larry Ehrhorn is a memoir-styled novel about the growing-up years of a high school boy named Kelly Elliott. This enthralling tale takes place in 1960s Chicago. Kelly is a senior who attends Talbot High School. Readers get a captivating glimpse of his coming-of-age experiences--like being raised by a single mother, interactions with his mother's boyfriend, his struggles with the school bully, dating and sexual exploration, his hijinks with his peers, and other crucial interactions with key characters in his neighborhood. Even though the novel commences with and focuses on Kelly's teenage years and struggles, it eventually transitions into his young adult life as he gets ready to attend college.

Four Months in Brighton Park is a delightful, exciting, and engaging read dedicated to the 1960s era in America and the social circumstances associated with that period. It's easy to become lost in this book for hours. Each character has a miniature story to tell, and they are all intriguing within their respective rights. Larry Ehrhorn is a gifted writer who builds a story that fully engulfs the reader in the narrative. Ehrhorn's authenticity and sense of humor reverberate on every page of this astounding novel. Even though Kelly is the main character in the book, the descriptive scenes and dialogues orchestrated by other characters--for instance, Kelly's mother (Doris) and the neighborhood's stripper (Mary Harker)--give readers an excellent understanding of the setting and the lifestyles of these breathtaking characters. Fans of coming-of-age tales will fall under its spell. I highly recommend this compelling novel.