Gangsta Studios

Fiction - Crime
281 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Lucy Nichols is desperate; she is out of money, facing eviction from her run-down apartment, and finds it difficult to get a job that will prevent her from starving. She meets Jay Sousa, a struggling movie producer looking for the next big hit that will keep his company afloat. He takes her on, and Lucy presents an absurd but potentially feasible idea during their brainstorming sessions. She wants to use the snippets of a conversation she overhead among Fat Angelino's crew as inspiration for a movie script. Nothing prepares the plucky lady for the following chaos when the mob boss becomes interested in her in Robert A.G. Erickson's Gangsta Studios.

Double-dealing and entertaining banter take centerstage in Robert A.G. Erickson's Gangsta Studios. Set in 1940s America, Erickson does a beautiful job of translating the bad economic situation of the era to paper. The character development is superb as every character has a secret they are unwilling to share, which adds a realistic feel. The dialogue flows naturally, interspersed with a delightful dash of the era's slang, but presented in a way that makes it easy for readers to follow the narrative. The distinctive quality of Erickson's storytelling is the way he uses compelling buildups in the subplots, like how Angel's plans take a dangerous turn once his family members enter the picture, to transform Lucy from naive into a femme fatale with an eye for blackjack. Erickson crafts a well-balanced narrative that will appeal to a broad readership in an enjoyable adventure with just the right amount of romance and action.