Get Active, God's Way

Weight Loss Devotional and Workout Challenge

Christian - Living
174 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2021
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Dr. Jordan Alexander for Readers' Favorite

Get Active, God's Way by Cathy Morenzie was the most fun I had exercising in ages! This Weight Loss Devotional and Workout Challenge offers a 28-day guide to getting fit and healthy by welcoming God in to do the heavy lifting. Each day the award-winning author and inspirational speaker will set you a practice that includes an encouraging Bible verse reflection, a scripture-based devotion to challenge your thinking, journaling to capture your a-ha moments, and a practical prayer. Cathy shares her personal journey, including the tough times, to inspire and prove it is possible to get active and be happy about it. Covering different topics, you'll be encouraged to write and pray using your own words to ask for God's support on your fitness journey. Her book includes extras like a leader's guide for those wanting to share the lessons with small devotees over four weeks, and answers to 19 interesting FAQs about fitness and exercise.

As a Christian weight loss coach, Cathy Morenzie bridges two essential areas of your life: health and spirituality. By anchoring the messages in scripture, the personal fitness guru leverages our relationship with God to encourage us to look at exercise in a completely different way. If you haven't reached your fitness and weight loss goals, Get Active, God's Way lets you 'start where you are at' and take baby steps – just 15 minutes is enough. Coach Cathy doesn't drive you hard to work out but rather helps you transform from the inside out; to face what's really holding you back from fitness success. I had long suffered guilt when not exercising, giving in to bad habits like finding excuses not to work out, walk, or bypass the biscuits. Get Active, God's Way helps with each of these barriers. You will learn to better connect with your body, fitness, and health. I've tried all kinds of exercise regimes but already Get Active, God's Way is giving me results. I'm getting up early, 'owning my day,' and rather than dreading that walk, Cathy Morenzie has shown me how to walk 'with God' - such a blessing. Highly recommended.