Getting Ready for My Surgery

Preparing Kids for Anesthesia

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Getting Ready for My Surgery: Preparing Kids for Anesthesia by Fei Zheng-Ward is an educational guide on how to prepare your child for anesthesia. It gives parents a comprehensive understanding of the surgery process and what to expect before, during, and after it. The book covers items found in the hospital, things children can carry to make them feel comfortable, and a description of what they will wear. It describes hospital equipment and processes, including blood pressure measurements, oxygen monitoring, anesthesia, and surgery. Additionally, it includes fun activities, such as hospital I-Spy, to make the experience more enjoyable and empowering for kids.

Getting Ready for My Surgery teaches children to prepare for surgery, encourages them to be brave, and emphasizes the importance of certain medical procedures. It will also inspire children who have dreams of working in the hospital, teaching them about different professions in the medical field. The book uses simple language to help children understand what will happen to their bodies, making it a valuable resource for parents who want to prepare their children for a smooth and anxiety-free experience. Fei Zheng-Ward covers insightful and lesser-known topics, such as how anesthesia masks have scents and a list of suggested foods your child is supposed to eat before and after surgery. Children can answer interactive questions and appreciate the colorful artwork by Moch. Fajar Shabura that perfectly complements the story. Overall, I highly recommend this book for its ability to educate and comfort children during a stressful time. This is great work!