Good Awkward

How to Embrace the Embarrassing and Celebrate the Cringe to Become The Bravest You

Non-Fiction - Self Help
200 Pages
Reviewed on 05/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Good Awkward by Henna Pryor is a deep exploration of the various ways awkwardness can hold one back and how best to handle feeling awkward on the path to success. Henna shares her SUCK Framework and how she uses humor, levity, and improvisational skills in awkward situations. The lessons in Good Awkward are a result of research, personal practice, and learning from others. The book exposes the irony of trying to escape awkward situations and how this leads to more awkwardness. It offers exercises to help readers focus on building the mental muscle of awkward tolerance. Additionally, Good Awkward sheds light on the origin of awkwardness and its link to empathy, how to tap into the benefit of awareness, using an improv mentality to infuse "good awkward" into teams, and more.

Henna Pryor's writing style proves she practices what she preaches. She's a master at using humor and awkward situations to get her message across to the reader. Apart from sharing her own awkward stories, Henna writes about various celebrities and successful individuals and how they dealt with awkward moments, revealing that they are not exempt from embarrassing situations. These stories are quite engaging, funny, and educational. The book is rich in information that is useful for growing at work and other areas. I hope to always see my discomfort as "a sign I’m playing at my growth edge." After reading Good Awkward, your attitude toward awkwardness will never be the same. The book is a paradigm shifter and a rich resource that will benefit readers who wish to make moves despite fear of failure and take more risks to achieve more goals in life.