Graveyard Elementary

The Mystery of the Crimson Claw

Children - Mystery
136 Pages
Reviewed on 06/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Shari Marshall for Readers' Favorite

Imagine living in a Halloween world every day with zombies, monsters, witches, werewolves, mummies, and a house that’s alive. This isn’t children wearing costumes; it’s real living creatures, existing by living at night and sleeping through the day. The Mystery of the Crimson Claw by Ran Ernst is a cute mystery and adventure story. A group of friends stumbles upon a powerful magical artifact—the crimson claw—on their way to Graveyard Elementary School. Franklin Stein dreams of becoming the scariest friend. Can he resist using the magic of the crimson claw to make his dream a reality? Can Franklin and his friends solve the clues, keep the artifact safe, and save Lily Stein?

The Mystery of the Crimson Claw is a playful, light read with whimsical illustrations that highlight the narrative. The language is age-appropriate; it’s clear and polite with no slang. The characters are unique and in keeping with the fun nature of the plot. For example, one villain is a snake that goes to the dentist and there is a mummy who uses a puffer to control his asthma. The classic theme of good versus evil is the prominent issue that drives the story. The plot is straightforward and the conclusion is satisfying, leaving no business unfinished. Middle-school readers (ages eight to ten) and young readers (ages five to seven) who enjoy mystery and supernatural stories will like this book. In addition, The Mystery of the Crimson Claw would make a lovely read-aloud tale.