Growing the Money Tree for Kids

A Fun Guide to Investing for Ages 8-12

Children - Educational
162 Pages
Reviewed on 05/20/2024
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Author Biography

Alpesh Parmar is a man of many talents: a savvy entrepreneur, a keen investor, a passionate author, and an inspiring podcast host. His investment adventures span from rental properties across the US to diverse ventures like startups and even farms. Not just about business, Alpesh is also a wholefood enthusiast, a vegan chef in his own right, and a fitness buff who loves challenging his limits in races and triathlons. He shares his wealth of knowledge on his popular podcast, Wealth Matters, and has co-authored a best-selling book on resilience. On this website, Alpesh brings his world of financial wisdom to the younger generation, hoping to ignite a spark of savvy investing in every child.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

With the ever-rising cost of living all over the world, financial literacy has become paramount for every individual. Alpesh Parmar, with co-authors Keya Parmar and Tvisha Parmar, presents Growing the Money Tree for Kids, a comprehensive guide to securing financial independence aimed at youngsters to help them learn the basics of finance and investment. The book opens with two sixth-graders, Kiara and Tessa, learning about finance from their teacher, Mr. Price, who introduces a game about investment in the class. Soon, the girls start their education on inflation, compound interest, and business investment. This book will also teach you to take advantage of the various available investment opportunities, including real estate, the stock market, government bonds, precious metals, collectibles, mutual funds, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, and more.

Introduce your children to the key fundamentals of money management and investment with Growing the Money Tree for Kids. With the help of his daughters and co-authors Keya and Tvisha Parmar, Alpesh Parmar offers young readers an engaging handbook covering all the basic tenets of finance and showcasing the different kinds of investment avenues. The authors use immersive storytelling to explore the broad spectrum of finance, featuring likable characters that readers can relate to. Kiara and Tessa are sixth-graders who, alongside their friends, embark on an adventure into the world of finance and investment. The illustrations by Remesh Ram make the characters even more compelling to the reader. Among other things, this book also explores the pros and cons of crowdfunding and private investing while giving a brief overview of cryptocurrencies. Highly recommended.

Paul Moore

“Growing the Money Tree” is an educational adventure for kids. The stories are fun and relatable, making complex financial concepts easy to grasp. My daughter now talks about saving and investing all the time. Highly recommend this book!

Jennifer Marcy

This book is a wonderful tool for teaching kids about money. The stories are fun and relatable, making complex concepts easy to grasp. My son loved it, and we’ve started using the lessons in our daily lives. Highly recommend it!