Guess Who Wants You Dead?

PMS Girls Saga Book 2

Young Adult - Thriller
265 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Shrabastee Chakraborty for Readers' Favorite

Christmas brings family members together, evoking feelings of love and joy. However, for Ariana Worthington’s dysfunctional family, this was as far from the truth as possible. After her psychotic half-sister Jess had tried to run her over with a car last Christmas, Ari fled the state, got into a new school with an alias, and even changed her appearance. Yet, she cannot overcome the trauma even after a year, certain that Jess will catch up with her one day. When a seemingly innocuous Christmas gift, with a letter from Jess, proves her suspicions true, Ari flees her dorm and seeks refuge. But how long can she evade a killer bent on persecuting her? Find out in Guess Who Wants You Dead?, the second installment of the PMS Girls saga by Lisa Alfano.

Having previously enjoyed the first book of this series, I found the sequel equally immersive. With short chapters and a swift pace, Lisa Alfano never lets go of readers’ attention. I loved how deftly she portrayed Ari’s dread and insecurity over her near-death experience. While her outlook on the world was skewed and somewhat snobbish, I could not help but admire her grit and stubbornness. As Ari struggled to match her perceptions to reality, trying to judge whom to trust, I could only hope that her risky gambles paid off. The long-buried past, with its pent-up resentments and grudges, determined the present, and I felt the palpable tension with Ari’s life hanging in balance. As this story of friendship and betrayal took a serpentine course, the unforeseen twists left me speechless. I recommend Guess Who Wants You Dead? to anyone who loves fast-paced thrillers; however, I would suggest reading the books in the correct order.