
Adventures of a Honey Bee

Children - Adventure
216 Pages
Reviewed on 10/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Willam Haines for Readers' Favorite

Harriet: Adventures of a Honey Bee, written by Diane Belinfanti with illustrations by Sol Casemajor, is about Harriet, a young bee who wants to know her purpose in the hive. From the stories of her sister Beatrice and her observations, Harriet gets an insight into the roles and duties that are essential for maintaining a hive. The plot centers on Harriet and her difficulties in reading the ‘‘Survival Manual,’’ a document of paramount importance in the life of every bee. In this process, she learns about teamwork, communication, and leadership, among other things. The story gets a whole lot more exciting when a distress signal comes in, and the hive needs her help - fast! She uses what she has learned to help. Harriet shows that even someone who feels weak can be a strong leader.

Diane Belinfanti writes in a friendly and simple way, making it easy for young readers to understand and enjoy the narrative. The story shows Harriet’s growth without being preachy. Harriet: Adventures of a Honey Bee talks about working together, being strong, and finding out who you are, which makes it informative and engaging. Harriet feels real and believable, and children can relate to her struggles with reading and questions about their roles in life. The theme is relevant as children often have difficulty reading and they may have doubts about their roles in life. The pace is moderate and satisfying. The story covers the issues of togetherness, endurance, and self-discovery. Overall, the story is a fun-filled adventure for children while also giving moral tidbits. It offers thoughtful introspection combined with action, which engages the young audience in following Harriet. In conclusion, the book presents the moral of learning who one is and the benefits of collaboration, along with an exciting and captivating story.