Harry The Horse and The Secret Place

Children - Animals
45 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Constance Stadler for Readers' Favorite

In Harry the Horse and the Special Place by KTY Haileselassie, too young to work, Harry has been kept in a barn since his birth and dearly wants to know about the world beyond stall doors. His mother could tell him little, as she had shared the same fate. Harry was always so excited to see his dad; every day, he waited for him to come home after nothing but unrelenting work. Exhausted, his dad fell asleep as soon as he returned. Despite his parents' resignation, Harry continued to imagine wandering freely. When an old cow came into the barn, he eagerly sought to make a new friend, but Colin was not an ordinary cow. Before being sold, he told Harry about Chaltu, a magical bird who knew the way to a glorious realm. While his parents did not believe a world without pain existed, they devised a plan. When released by feigning illness, without food or shelter, they did not care. Nothing could be better than to experience freedom.

At first glance, Harry the Horse and the Special Place by KTY Haileselassie seems a lighthearted tale about the escapades of farm animals, but it is a more meaningful story. The plot turns and ends with a new beginning: Harry’s family spends the rest of their lives in a place that surpasses their dreams. In a moving and engaging tale, the author's creative skill and exemplary writing are evident throughout the narrative. Despite painful realities, nothing could tame Harry’s spirit or erase his parents’ hopes. When reading the book alongside a supportive parent or educator, this realization could evoke a wealth of feelings in a young reader. A child's imagination can roam as freely as Harry and his family. Reading this book may result in difficult questions, but a guided conversation could underscore the concept that every life matters. Harry’s story says much about happiness; nothing could be more worthwhile and wondrous.