I Like Monsters

(Except my Teacher)

Children - Preteen
152 Pages
Reviewed on 08/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

In I Like Monsters (Except My Teacher) by Joshua McDonald, Sebastian "Seb" Carid is an intelligent and resourceful 11-year-old who often gets into trouble, which involves his mother being called to the school. When monsters in human form, known as Morugs, infiltrate the school in search of Arkus — the student with the power to stop them — Seb and his friends must foil their plans and save both Arkus and the school. The narrative follows a cast of intriguing characters; the brave and intelligent Seb, the quick-witted Mark full of clever ideas, and the math teacher Mrs. Dalma. The story features creatures like Glizz, a four-inch-long translucent lizard with which Seb has a mental bond, allowing him to communicate and receive information from it. Butler is a Fizbly (a cross between a rabbit and a puppy with elephant ears) that Seb has as a pet, which helps keep his room clean.

I Like Monsters (Except My Teacher) by Joshua McDonald is a fascinating urban fantasy with a strong appeal for fans of preteen characters. The story is suspenseful, and the tension builds up rapidly. While this breezy read has a lot for young readers, I was particularly gripped by the author's meticulous attention to characterization. Characters like Mr. Brogdin will intrigue readers, and they will be surprised to discover what they are. I Like Monsters (Except My Teacher) is well-plotted and crafted in beautiful prose. The dialogues are sparkling, and the author infuses the narrative with drama and the lively atmosphere of preteen school experiences. Readers will enjoy the balance between the focused action and the humor. This imaginative novel will entice young and mature readers.