In the Face of Catastrophe

How a Traumatic Brain Injury Became a Blessing

Non-Fiction - Memoir
194 Pages
Reviewed on 06/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Jenn experienced severe intracranial hemorrhage three days before her 31st birthday. Concerned family members rushed her to the North Shore University Hospital, where they kept vigil for any sign of good news regarding the young woman. Jenn survived the arduous and protracted experience, punctuated by difficult days when it appeared that the medical staff's best efforts would be insufficient. In The Face Of Catastrophe is the heartwarming account by Jennifer Rose Goldman and Caryn Meg Hirschleifer of how her loved ones came together to bring this young woman back from the brink.

Jennifer Rose Goldman and Caryn Meg Hirschleifer engage in a detailed retelling of a harrowing experience with In The Face Of Catastrophe. They go above and beyond to ensure they record every moment of the days covering Jenn's worst hours. Like the detailed explanations of Jenn's procedures, they are straightforward, conveying the emotional rollercoaster they underwent. Adding hospital notes that show Jenn's development enhances the original storytelling technique, in which significant family members and friends share firsthand accounts of their experiences to create a distinctive portrait of this extraordinarily fortunate woman. Goldman and Hirschleifer strike a balance between serious events, like Jenn's battles with depression, and humorous ones, like the hilarious psychic episode. It is impossible to overstate the significance of the affirmations Jenn would not stop saying because they demonstrate that healing must first come from within. Goldman and Hirschleifer deserve plaudits for this one-of-a-kind offering that will be a powerful inspiration to those who struggle with health crises without assistance.