Interesting Facts For Curious Kids | Do You Know It All?

Mind-Blowing Trivia And Fun Facts About History, Inventions, Science, And More (Fun Facts Book For Smart Kids Ages 8-12)

Children - Non-Fiction
225 Pages
Reviewed on 10/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Trivia games are everywhere, so to survive against such competition, one has to do a great job at presenting the questions and answers. David W. Leon does this in Interesting Facts for Curious Kids by carefully wording and choosing the various topics for the questions. This book contains 100 questions that make learning about many different subjects fun. Subjects include history, people, places, things, etc. Each page has either one question or the answer to that question. There is no overcrowding here. My family enjoyed playing through this book, and I even learned some facts I did not know before. While the book aims to satisfy children’s curiosity, the questions are great for the whole family. Gather your family and friends and enjoy an evening of trivia, fun, and learning.

Not only does Interesting Facts for Curious Kids by David W. Leon have great questions, but it also has wonderful formatting, making it an easy read or guide for a trivia game. David starts the book with easy questions and then increases the difficulty as the fun continues. Answers to the question come with more than simple answers. Extra background information is presented with the answers to improve learning and hopefully encourage further investigation into the subject. The format of this book makes it easier to use than many quiz books I have seen. Instilling a desire to learn is one of the best skills you can give your child. Making learning fun always increases the desire to learn. This book is great for you and your child to bond over.